Specially curated workshop for corporate teams





Hands-on Labs





Sample Workshop Outlines

Workshop outlines are fully customizable based on your team's current skillset and requirements
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Kubernetes Fundamentals

Day 1:

Module 1: Basics of Kubernetes

  • Definition
  • Cluster Structure
  • Adoption

Module 2: Introduction to Containers

  • Building & Running Containers
  • New Container Capabilities

Module 3: Overview & Architecture of Kubernetes

Hands-On Labs Session


Day 2:

Module 4: Setup Kubernetes

Module 5: Understanding Kubernetes Concepts

  • Pods
  • Deployment
  • Statefulset

Module 6: Working with services in Kubernetes

Module 7: Review

Hands-On Labs Session



GitOps, ArgoCD & Flux

Day 1:

Module 1: Creating a Kubernetes cluster for Helm and GitOps

Module 2: Introduction to Helm (theory)

Module 3: Helm configuration and setup

Module 4: Installing Helm Charts

Module 5: Managing your applications with Helm

Module 6: Using templates to define applications and control releases

Q&A/Hands-On Lab Session

Day 2:

Module 7: Setup your cluster for Flux and ArgoCD

Module 8: Introduction to GitOps (theory)

Module 9: GitOps architecture and tooling

Module 10: ArgoCD

Module 11: Flux

Q&A/Hands-On Lab Session

Day 3:

Module 12: Monitoring and observability for GitOps

Module 13: GitOps and Helm

Module 14: Deploying a GitOps solution

Q&A/Hands-On Lab Session


Certified Kubernetes Administrator

Day 1:

Module 1: Why CKA

Module 2: CKA vs CKAD

Module 3: 

  • Home lab 
  • Server at home
  • VMs on your computer
  • Raspberry Pi
  • Cloud servers

Module 4: Cluster architecture

Module 5: Cluster design and configuration

Module 6: Deployments and Pods

  • Deployments vs pods
  • Multi-container pods (sidecars)
  • Q&A/Hands-On Lab Session

Module 7: Stateful applications

  • Deployments vs statefulsets
  • Q&A/Hands-On Lab Session

Module 8: Storage

Module 9: Troubleshooting

Module 10: Workloads

Module 11: Scheduling

Day 2:

Module 12: Kubeadm

Module 13: Networking

  • Networking add-ons and frameworks
  • CoreDNS
  • Kubernetes Services
  • ClusterIP
  • NodePort
  • Load Balancer
  • Pod to pod communication
  • Service to service communication
  • Ingress
  • Service Mesh

Module 14: Monitoring and Logging

  • Kubernetes dashboard
  • Prometheus and grafana
  • Cloud monitoring solutions

Module 15: Security

  • Cluster security
  • RBAC
  • Cluster roles
  • Role bindings
  • Roles
  • Users, service accounts, and groups
  • Q&A/Hands-On Lab Session

Day 3:

Module 16: Real-world scenarios

  • Control plane and worker node planning
  • Where will ETCD be deployed
  • Cluster upgrades
  • Scaling and high availability
  • Rolling Updates for pods
  • Draining nodes

Module 17: Certification tips

  • KodeKloud course and labs
  • Killer.sh
  • Kubernetes.io docs
  • Create an alias for the commands
  • Kubernetes cheat sheet

Module 18: Mock tests

Q&A/Hands-On Lab Session


Certified Kubernetes Application Developer

Day 1:

Module 1: Introduction & Overview

  • Course Objectives
  • Details about the CKAD Certification
  • Introduction to Kubernetes and Recap of the Core Concepts from the Beginners Course

Q&A/Hands-On Lab Session

Module 2: 

  • Deep Dive into Kubernetes Architecture
  • Understanding PODs: Creation and Configuration
  • Multi-container pod designs

Q&A/Hands-On Lab Session

Module 3: Configuration

  • ConfigMaps, SecurityContexts, Resource Requirements
  • Limits and quotas
  • Admission controls, RBAC and authorization
  • Secrets and Service Accounts
  • Creating and using Secrets
  • Service Accounts and usage

Q&A/Hands-On Lab Session

Module 4: Health of Labs

  • Understanding Readiness and Liveness Probes
  • Health Checks

Q&A/Hands-On Lab Session

Day 2:

Module 5: Labels & Selectors

  • Working with labels and selectors 
  • Selecting resources based on labels

Module 6: Updates

  • Rolling updates and Rollbacks in Deployments
  • Deployment strategies (blue-green, Canary etc)
  • Rolling updates
  • Rollback to a version 

Q&A/Hands-On Lab Session

Module 7: Jobs and CronJobs

  • Understanding Jobs and CronJobs
  • How to Schedule Jobs and CronJobs

Module 8: Services and Network Policies

  • Services: exposing applications to the network 
  • Network Policies: controlling network traffic
  • Ingress 

Q&A/Hands-On Lab Session

Day 1:

Module 9: Storage

  • Persistent Volumes and Claims
  • Storage Classes
  • PV and PVC

Q&A/Hands-On Lab Session

Module 10: Containers and Helm

  • Container Image Build and Best Practices 
  • Helm/ CRUD/ Deployment strategies 
  • Using Helm to deploy existing packages
  • Helm deployment strategies

Q&A/Hands-On Lab Session

Module 11: Observability and Maintenance

  • Logging in Kubernetes
  • Using container logs
  • Debugging using container logs

Module 12: Exam Preparation

  • Review of all topics
  • Mock Exams
  • Lightning Labs

Q&A/Hands-On Lab Session


Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist

Day 1:

Module 1: Course Overview and CKS Journey

  • Details about the CKS Certification (Pre-requisites)

Module 2: Grasping the Kubernetes Attack Surface

  • Hacking demo into services on a Kubernetes cluster
    - Scenario introduction & Hacking Demonstration (environment, setup, technology stack)
  • Understanding the 4C’s of Cloud Native Security: Cloud, Clusters, Containers, and Code

Q&A/Hands-On Lab Session

Module 3: Cluster Setup and Hardening

  • Exploring CIS Benchmarks
  • Deep Dive into Authentication, Authorization, and Service Accounts in Kubernetes
    - Kubernetes auth mechanism 
    - Configure kube api-server auth 
    - RBAC (role, clusterRole, roleBinding, clusterRoleBinding)
    - Service account (create, get, describe)
    - Service account secret token
  • Ensuring Protection of Node Metadata, Endpoints, and Platform Binaries
  • Securing Kubernetes Dashboard
  • Network Policies and Securing Ingress Controllers
    - The Network Policy resource (policyType, ingress, egress, from, to)
    - Default netpol 

Q&A/Hands-On Lab Session

Day 2:

Module 4: System Hardening

  • Minimizing Host OS Footprint and Limiting Node Access
    - Limit Node Access using usermod, userdel
    - Provisioning Nodes in private network
    - VPN Solutions, Network firewall 
    - Principle of least privilege
  • SSH Hardening Techniques
    - SSH overview
    - SSH key pair (public, private, how to generate key pair)
    - Use ssh-copy-id
    - Harden SSH service (updating SSH configuration)
  • Understanding Privilege Escalation in Linux and Package Restriction
    - Install only required packages
    - Identify & remove unwanted service 
    - Sudo command, root user
    - View & understand sudoers file in Linux
  • Importance of Minimizing Roles and Access in Cloud Environments
  • Configuring Firewalls and Restricting Syscalls
    - `strace` command 
    - Restricting syscall using SECCOMP profile 
    - SECCOMP whitelist, blacklist
    - Configure pod to use SECCOMP profile

Q&A/Hands-On Lab Session

Module 5: Minimizing Microservices Vulnerabilities

  • Deep Dive into Admission Controllers
    - What is it and the types of A/C.
    - Built-in Kubernetes A/C
    - A/C in the API request life-cycle
    - How to enable/disable A/C
  • Understanding and Deploying Open Policy Agent (OPA)
  • Management of Kubernetes Secrets
    - Creating Secret in Kubernetes (imperative & declarative) 
    - Encode/decode Secret 
    - Configure secret in pod (env, envFrom)
    - Kubernetes Secret best practices
  • Exploring Container Runtime Sandboxes
    - Container sandboxing introduction (VM, container isolation issue) 
    - Seccomp profile, AppArmor 
  • Implementing Pod to Pod Encryption with mTLS
    - Issue with unencrypted pod to pod communication
    - Mutual TLS (mTLS) between pods 
    - 3rd party introduction: Istio, Linkerd 

Q&A/Hands-On Lab Session

Day 3:

Module 6: Supply Chain Security

  • Importance of Minimizing Footprint of Base Images
    - Base vs parent image 
    - Choosing right base image
    - Slim/minimal image
    - Image vulnerability scan
  • Understanding Image Security and Supply Chain Security
  • Analyzing Workloads and Exploring Supported Tools
  • Scanning Images for Known Vulnerabilities

Q&A/Hands-On Lab Session

Module 7: Monitoring, Logging, and Runtime Security

  • Behavioral Analytics of Syscall Process & File Activities
    - Analyze Syscall and filter suspicious events
    - Example of common use cases
  • Using Tools Like Falco for Defense in Depth
    - Overview & Installation 
    - Use Falco to Detect Threats/Rules
  • Detecting Threats within Infrastructure, Apps, Networks, Data, Users, and Workloads
  • Ensuring Immutability of Containers at Runtime
  • Utilizing Audit Logs for Access Monitoring

Q&A/Hands-On Lab Session

Module 8: Exam Preparation

  • Mock Exams and Review

and many more..

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