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Kubernetes multi-cluster Playground

Get access to the Kubernetes multi-cluster playground with one click

What Is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes makes it easy to run thousands of containers across hundreds of servers. It takes care of distributing every container where it should be. It makes sure failed containers are replaced automatically. It even ensures that the cluster nodes that fail also get replaced (if extra servers are already available). It auto-heals and keeps things running the way you instructed it to do. It's an automation tool that orchestrates stuff for you; makes sure things go according to plan. And since it mainly works with containers, these are some reasons why it's called a container orchestrator.

What Is a Kubernetes Cluster?

A Kubernetes cluster is made out of multiple interconnected nodes (basically servers). This makes it easy to scale up when demand is high. We just add more nodes, and the cluster becomes more powerful and able to handle more traffic. When demand is lower, we scale down by removing nodes. This makes Kubernetes flexible, easy to adjust. Furthermore, it also makes it more resilient. If one node experiences problems, another healthy one can quickly take its place. This makes the cluster highly available; it keeps working, even if some nodes malfunction.

Kubernetes Multi-Cluster Playground

Kubernetes is evolving continuously. Either a major or minor update is released every month. With these changes, you need to check whether your apps are running as expected on the newer version. The objects written for a version may not work for another version. This playground allows you to test your objects with different versions of Kubernetes.  

It starts up preconfigured with three Kubernetes clusters. Following is the specification of the clusters:

  • Version 1.25 - 1 control plane and 2 worker nodes
  • Version 1.24 - 1 control plane and 1 worker node
  • Version 1.20 - 1 control plane and 1 worker node

Note: Worker nodes can only be accessed from their respective control-plane nodes within the same cluster. Instructions are provided on how to SSH into the control-plane you need.

To get some ideas, you can try to complete the tasks mentioned on the K8s tasks page.

Want to Learn Kubernetes?

Kubernetes can be difficult to understand without any prerequisite knowledge of DevOps concepts. KodeKloud offers a learning path curated for Kubernetes. This is a collection of multiple courses that build on each other. They can take you from Kubernetes beginner to Kubernetes expert. We also have courses that can help you prepare for Kubernetes certifications such as CKAD, CKA, and CKS. Here's a list of courses, for beginners, and for people that want to take the aforementioned exams:

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