Interested to try out various Terraform commands and see how they work?
Welcome to our Terraform playground!
It is the perfect place to get hands-on experience with Terraform almost instantly! No need to rent servers or install complicated software. You get access to everything in your web browser.
Terraform is an infrastructure provisioning tool. It helps automate the process of creating and managing infrastructure using configuration files.
To provision infrastructure in Terraform, we follow three main steps: write, plan & apply.
Terraform consists of two essential parts: the core & the providers.
Our playground includes Visual Studio Code (a code editor) and comes pre-installed with Terraform.
In this playground, you can practice using Terraform without worrying about making mistakes. If you do happen to make a mistake, or if anything breaks, don’t worry! You can simply restart the playground and start over.
Before you can start working with Terraform, you have first to initialize Terraform. cd into the terraform-projects directory and run terraform init. After Terraform is successfully initialized, you can start working with it.
Here are some examples of commands you can try in the playground:
To view all Terraform commands, run terraform -help.
Note that you can use the playground for 1 hour. If required, you can extend the usage by 15 minutes by clicking on the icon next to the timer icon.
So, give it a try and see what you can create with Terraform!
Want to learn more about Terraform? Be sure to check out our courses: