
Rocky Linux Playground

Get access to the Rocky Linux Playground with one click

Welcome to the Rocky Linux playground! Here, you can explore the robust features, experiment with configurations, and expand your knowledge of this high-performance Linux operating system.

What Is Rocky Linux?

Rocky Linux isn't just another distribution of Linux. It's a powerful, free-to-use, and open-source enterprise operating system that aims to match Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) features and performance. It's a great option for those who want an enterprise-grade Linux operating system without the expense of a commercial product.

Rocky Linux is a binary-compatible operating system based on RHEL, which ensures it has the same level of performance and security that companies around the globe rely on. 

The first stable release of Rocky Linux (version 8.4) came out on June 21, 2021. This was followed by Rocky Linux 9.0, which was launched on July 14, 2022. With a focus on long-term use and dependability, each major version of Rocky Linux gets up to 10 years of support and updates. This focus on stability makes it a reliable choice for companies looking for longevity in their IT infrastructure.

As a community-run project, Rocky Linux is dedicated to fostering an open and collaborative environment. As a user, you become part of a worldwide network of developers and fans, creating a hub of knowledge exchange and support.

Playground Features

This playground hosts a single-node machine, pre-installed with Rocky Linux 9. While it comes with a minimal set of packages, you have the choice to extend the functionality with additional packages, if you wish.

Playground Notes

You can use the playground for 1 hour. If required, you can extend the usage by 15 minutes by clicking on the "Extend lab by 15m" button next to the timer icon. 

So, why wait? Explore the Rocky Linux playground today!