
MySQL Playground

Get access to the MySQL playground with one click

Run MySQL database queries straight from your browser! Practice, test, and benchmark your SQL queries in this playground equipped with a running MySQL server hosted in Ubuntu operating system.

Playground Features

  • Complete MySQL server up and ready to use
  • Latest version of MySQL
  • Ubuntu for Host Operating System

What is MySQL?

MySQL is an open-source RDBMS (relational database management system) maintained by Oracle. It allows users to interact with the databases, through SQL (Structured Query Language). It has more than 20 years of history. It was released on 23 May 1995. And it's one of the most popular RDBMS systems used by big tech companies like Google, NASA, Twitter, and more. 

Google Trends MySQL vs PostgreSQL

In modern software development, it's often used as part of some tech stack, for example, LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP). It’s lightweight and easy to use. 

MySQL is supported by the most popular programming languages to date, like Python, PHP, and Go, to name a few. It also supports widely-used operating systems such as Linux, Windows, and macOS. MySQL is often used to power the back end of modern web applications, and to record transactions.

MySQL Features

  • Open-source - this means anyone can inspect, enhance and modify the source code. As the source code is available for everyone to see, this gives you the assurance and security that there’s nothing malicious with the underlying application. 
  • Lightweight and Fast - MySQL is easy to get up and running, users are usually guided into the installation process. It makes very efficient use of resources, for both small, and large databases.
  • Ability to scale - MySQL can support small-size data structures to enterprise-size with a large number of databases and tables, as well as millions of individual database entries.    
  • Comprehensive support for Data Types - MySQL has comprehensive coverage of different data types being used in modern software engineering. 
  • Character Encoding - MySQL has support for different types of character sets such as Unicode character set and many others.
  • Secure - MySQL can protect access to database resources by requiring users to authenticate. Access Control Lists (ACLs) provide refined access control. Such lists define specific actions that should be allowed for a user (e.g., if they should be allowed to create or delete databases, what user can read a specific database, and so on).

Example MySQL Queries

Create database

create database <database_name>
create database test_db;

Switch databases

use <database_name>
use test_db;

Create a new table

create table <table_name> (columns)
create table my_table (
first_name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
last_name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
email VARCHAR(50)

Insert new entries to new table

INSERT INTO <table_name> (column1, column2, column3,...)
VALUES (value1, value2, value3,...)
INSERT INTO my_table (

Select all entries in a table

select * from <table_name>
select * from my_table;

Update an entry in a table

UPDATE <table_name> SET <column1>=<value>, <column2>=<value>.. WHERE <column>=<value>
UPDATE my_table SET email='' WHERE id=1;

Delete an entry in a table

DELETE FROM <table_name> WHERE <column>=<value> LIMIT <int>;

DELETE FROM my_table WHERE id=1 LIMIT 1;

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