Playgrounds Cloud

Kubernetes 1.24 Weave (multi-node) Playground

Get access to the Kubernetes 1.24 Weave (multi-node) playground with one click

Playground Features

  • Multi-node Kubernetes cluster
  • Two nodes: 1 master and 1 worker node
  • kubectl command preinstalled
  • Terminal with multi-tab support to run your kubectl, or other Linux commands
  • Equipped with Weave Container Network Interface (CNI)
  • Each session runs for 60 minutes but can be extended should you need more time

Playground Notes

The Kubernetes clusters in certification exams often run on multiple nodes. Usually on at least one master node and one worker node. With our multi-node Kubernetes playground, you can practice in a similar environment. And it only takes seconds to get access to a multi-node Kubernetes cluster!

You can test theories, experiment, and learn. Run kubectl commands to get some experience before the exam. And, of course, you can also check out features of Weave CNI. Everything is easily accessible through your web browser. No need to install anything!

If required, you can also SSH into each node, in case you want to practice your troubleshooting skills. Additionally, you can also modify your master node to allow pods to be scheduled on it. This way, you can experiment with pod scheduling, node affinity, taints, tolerations, and so on.

What Is a Kubernetes Cluster?

A Kubernetes cluster is made out of multiple interconnected nodes (basically servers). This makes it easy to scale up when demand is high. We just add more nodes, and the cluster becomes more powerful and able to handle more traffic. When demand is lower, we scale down by removing nodes. This makes Kubernetes flexible, and easy to adjust. Furthermore, it also makes it more resilient. If one node experiences problems, another healthy one can quickly take its place. This makes the cluster highly available; it keeps working, even if some nodes malfunction.

What Is Weave CNI?

Container Network Interfaces or CNI enables networking capabilities within your Kubernetes cluster and internal components. It allows communication between nodes, pods, and also services. It is one of the primary components that is required in order to set up a Kubernetes cluster. One of the widely-used CNIs available is Weave.

Due to its comprehensive feature set, Weave supports Network Policies, which are slightly similar to a firewall. The policies allow you to control what goes in and out of the Kubernetes network.

Weave CNI Features

  • Pod Networking - this allows pods within the cluster to communicate 
  • Network Policy - Weave fully supports network policies. These allow more fine-grained control over the incoming and outgoing traffic of pods and services much like a firewall. This makes the entire cluster more secure from network attacks. 
  • Weave Cloud Console - Weave also features a dashboard where you can have a graphical overview of pods within the cluster making it easier to troubleshoot in case of networking issues within pods and services.
  • Network logs - Weave CNI is embedded within the cluster and spawns pods in order to function. Any event or issue related to networking can easily be monitored with the pod logs.