Playgrounds Cloud

Kubernetes Flannel CNI Playground

Get access to the Kubernetes Flannel CNI playground in 1 click

DevOps Playground - Kubernetes with Flannel CNI

Need to test a theory? Or want to practice running kubectl commands as you prepare for the certifications exam? Enhance your Kubernetes skills or practice what you’ve learned with this playground. Get access to a single-node Kubernetes setup in just a few seconds. 

Please note that Flannel does not have some of the advanced features that other CNIs offer. One of which is the NetworkPolicy resource feature. NetworkPolicy resource allows you to configure the rules for traffic in and out of your pods, similar to a firewall functionality. 

Playground Features

  • Single-node Kubernetes cluster
  • Equipped with Flannel Container Network Interface (CNI)

What is Flannel CNI?

A Container Network Interface, or CNI, enables networking capabilities within your Kubernetes cluster, allowing different nodes/hosts to talk to each other. It also allows pods and services from one node to reach pods and services on a different node. It is one of the primary components that is required in order to set up a Kubernetes cluster. One of the widely-used CNI available is Flannel. It is a lightweight and basic network layer solely designed for Kubernetes. This is the CNI for those who want a simple and quick networking solution for their Kubernetes clusters. Of course, only if they do not need any other advanced features, like network policies, to be implemented.

What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is an open-source, lightweight, and extensible container orchestration tool. It allows you to manage containers and services in an imperative and declarative format. It started as a project by Google in 2014.

Kubernetes can be deployed on-premise, or in the cloud, on bare-metal servers, or virtual private servers. It has now become one of the most popular container orchestration solutions. And it's often used as part of DevOps practices.

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