🚀We’ve been working in the background on a better version of KodeKloud the past year. One that will provide a better, faster, smoother experience for our learners. And we are happy to announce that the Beta ✨ is finally here for you to try. The new version includes:
The new platform will enable us to build more fun and exciting things in the future:
We will be performing a one-time migration of the below details:
You’ll receive invitations in your email on how to go about this. For any concerns please reach out to support@kodekloud.com
Yes, absolutely! All our customers will still temporarily be able to login to the Legacy platform at https://legacy.kodekloud.com.
However, as we’ve completely migrated over to the New Platform, please be advised that:
As part of the stronger account security measures, the New Platform now requires all our customers to adhere to a more stringent password complexity. In most of the password fields, you should now see the strength indication of your password (e.g. “weak”, “normal” or “strong”) before you proceed to set the passwords.
To ensure no disruptions to your account and access in future, we strongly recommend all our customers to perform one round of password reset. If you encounter any issues with resetting password, please contact our Customer Support team for assistance.
Updated Course progress migration has been completed to the best of our abilities as of March 12th, Tuesday.
However, it's important to note that progress made after March 12th will not be migrated, and progress made on the new platform will not be synced with the Legacy one. If you notice any discrepancies in your course progression, kindly mark the lesson complete up until the point where you last stopped.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we strive to enhance your learning experience!