10 Best Kubernetes Courses to Start Learning Online in 2024

Kubernetes is an open-source platform that provides a highly scalable and flexible container orchestration solution. It is used to manage and automate the deployment tasks across different environments. It's popular because it is powerful, versatile, and easy to use.

To get started with Kubernetes, you need access to the right courses. To pursue a career as a Kubernetes specialist, you need certifications that validate your expertise.

This blog lists the resources you need to get started and thrive as a Kubernetes specialist.

Which Kubernetes Course is Right for You?

You should select the course that is most suitable for you. To help you with that, we have considered multiple factors. These factors will help you make the right choice. Some of them include the level of proficiency, learning hours, certification, hands-on exercises, etc. You may select one of them depending on your priority.

The level of expertise can be divided into three parts:

  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced

Before getting started with Kubernetes, you should have some experience with application containerization. The most widely used containerization tool today is Docker.

This list will cover the resources you need to start your Kubernetes journey, advance your skills and certify those skills. Let's get started.

Try the Docker Basic Commands Lab for free.

Docker Basic Commands Lab
Docker Basic Commands Lab

10 Best Kubernetes Courses in 2023

Below is a list of the best Kubernetes courses in 2023:

1. DevOps Pre-Requisite Course

DevOps Pre-Requisite Course | KodeKloud
The course you must go through before any DevOps or Cloud Courses

This course is for any beginner who wants to enter the Kubernetes domain. It will introduce you to components like Virtual Box, YAML, and Linux that work alongside Kubernetes. Kubernetes is an essential tool in DevOps, and this course will introduce you to its role.

This course has no prerequisites, and you get a certificate after completion. ENROLL NOW!

2. Docker for the Absolute Beginners

Docker Training Course for the Absolute Beginner | KodeKloud
Learn Docker with simple and easy hands-on Labs

Containerization concepts are a prerequisite for anyone who wants to get into Kubernetes. Docker is the most widely-used containerization tool. You should know how Docker works first because Kubernetes works with containers.

The course has video lectures, demos, a lab environment to practice on, and interactive exercises. You also get a certificate after completion. ENROLL NOW!

3. Kubernetes for the Absolute Beginners

Kubernetes for the Absolute Beginners – Hands-on Tutorial | KodeKloud
Learn Kubernetes with simple, easy lectures and hands-on labs

Want to get started with Kubernetes? This course is perfect. It makes all the basic concepts very easy to understand.

As a beginner, you will start your journey and go through 10 simple, step-by-step lectures. Each lecture and demo is designed to give you the time to grasp all of the concepts fully. The most important part of the course is the series of hands-on coding exercises accompanying each major concept.

You get a certificate after completion. ENROLL NOW!

4. Docker Certified Associate

Docker Certified Associate Exam Course | KodeKloud
Prepare for the Docker Certified Associate Exam Course

This course helps you prepare for the DCA (Docker Certified Associate) exam. It will validate your technical knowledge of Docker. The course covers all the topics required by the DCA curriculum.

The prerequisites to attend this course are Docker for Beginners Course and Kubernetes for Beginners Course.

The course has 100s of research questions, practice tests, and multiple mock exams. You also get a certificate after completion. ENROLL NOW!

5. Kubernetes Challenges

Kubernetes Challenges | KodeKloud
A set of fun challenges to learn and practice your skills on Kubernetes.

The theory is good, but nothing beats real-world experience. See if you can master these challenges. You'll get tasks that you need to solve with real Kubernetes commands. This is a quick and fun way to test your knowledge.

This is a perfect course to test your real-world Kubernetes skills. It will help you discover your strong and weak points. ENROLL now for FREE!

6. Helm for Beginners

Helm for Beginners | KodeKloud
Learn and get certified with simple and easy hands-on labs

This course is for those who want to advance their Kubernetes skills. More specifically, those who want to learn how to manage a large number of apps with Kubernetes. This course will introduce you to Helm, a Kubernetes package manager.

Helm is crucial in automating the process of installing, configuring, and upgrading complicated Kubernetes applications. This course uses video demos and hands-on labs to teach you how to use Helm.

Basic knowledge of Kubernetes and YAML is the prerequisite for this course. ENROLL NOW!

7. Istio Service Mesh

Istio Service Mesh | KodeKloud

Multiple apps run on the Kubernetes cluster. Thousands of components will need to communicate with each other. We need to interconnect/network many of these together. And these networks become incredibly complicated. Istio is a tool that tries to simplify how we interconnect all of our microservices in Kubernetes. It can also help us secure traffic on this network and monitor what is happening. This course gives you a brief introduction to Istio.

A basic understanding of Kubernetes is a prerequisite for this course. ENROLL NOW!

8. Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD)

Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) | KodeKloud

This course will help you prepare for the CKAD certification. It qualifies you as an app developer on Kubernetes. You will learn how to design, build, and deploy apps on Kubernetes.

The course is for people who want to certify their skills in building and running apps on Kubernetes. ENROLL NOW!

You can learn more about the certification from our CKA, CKAD, CKS - Frequently Asked Questions blog.

9. CKA Certification Course – Certified Kubernetes Administrator

CKA Certification Course – Certified Kubernetes Administrator | KodeKloud
Prepare for the Kubernetes Administrators Certification (CKA) with live practice tests right in your browser

This course will help you prepare for the CKA certification, which validate your skills as a Kubernetes admin. It prepares you for questions related to managing Kubernetes clusters.

The course is for people who want to certify their skills in administering Kubernetes clusters. ENROLL NOW!

10. Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS)

Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS) | KodeKloud

Security is a top priority for any company. This course will teach you how to secure the Kubernetes infrastructure, plus the apps and containers that it hosts.

CKA is a prerequisite for the CKS exam. You should have a valid CKA certification before sitting for the CKS exam. This course focuses more on the security side of Kubernetes. CKA pros, admins, and cloud engineers can opt for this course. ENROLL NOW!


We hope this list will help you on your journey. The courses are very easy to understand. And the hands-on labs will help you the most. After every theoretical section, we drop you into a so-called lab where you get to test the concepts you just learned.

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