Join the Most Vibrant DevOps Community with KodeKloud

So, you've decided to learn about DevOps tools and practices. You've found out about KodeKloud's easy-to-understand video courses. You're watching those, and everything goes smoothly. But now it's practice time! You roll up your sleeves and start to try it all yourself. You install tools, you edit configuration files, and you run some commands. And you hit a stumbling block.

30 minutes go out the window. Now it's getting frustrating, "Why doesn't this work?". Nothing is more annoying than a persistent problem. You tried 10 different things already, and nothing seems to work. And this is where some bad feelings can appear: frustration, discouragement, and wanting to give up. Well, why go through all this when there's a super simple solution?

Learning Community to the Rescue!

Learning alone is pretty hard. But if you have the help of an entire community, it can become so easy, you won't believe it! Like the imaginary problem we described above. Just think about it. Other students that learned about those tools might have encountered similar issues. Thousands and thousands of people had similar problems. And some managed to fix them. And they actually want to tell other people about the solutions! We humans like sharing this kind of stuff.

Instead of spending hours trying to fix something, you can just share your problem in a chat. If anyone encounters a similar issue, they'll be happy to share the solution. It's something you'd fix in 4 hours; now, it can be fixed in 1 minute. Isn't that awesome? However, communities focused on your exact learning path are also hard to find. So, we've made it easy for you at KodeKloud. We have created a vibrant community focused around the same subjects you might be studying.

Slack Community at KodeKloud

And it's easy to join. Just click here to join our Slack community. In our Slack community at KodeKloud, you will get a chance to be a part of 70,000+ DevOps enthusiasts. That's a lot of people that can help you. What can they help with? Here are just a few examples:

  • As mentioned, they can help you when you get stuck and tell you how to fix a problem.
  • They can teach you about best practices in the industry.
  • They can tell you what tools you need to get started.
  • And maybe the best part is that they can share industry secrets.

What do we mean by industry secrets? Well, think about this. You're probably learning because you want to get a better job in some domain. But since you're a beginner, some things are still a mystery. What is the interview process for a DevOps-related job? How do you get a better chance to get hired? What are the average salaries in some countries? What tools does company X use internally? What tools does company Y use instead?

You can basically get insider information that can help you make better decisions. Here's just one example: there are three major cloud platforms available: Amazon's AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud. You might feel overwhelmed to learn all three. But with some insight from our community, it will be easier to pick one.

They might say: "Hey, in X country, at 3 different companies, they were using Microsoft Azure. Even though AWS is more popular in the world, Azure is more popular in X country. So start with that!". And just like that, you've made your life easier and will be better prepared.

Long story short, it's like you'll be part of a large team. Now, you're not alone on your learning journey. You've got thousands of people that can help you tremendously.

community chat

And you can also interact with the KodeKloud team. So you can find out about our future plans.

And we have yet another bonus for you. Our community can actually help you land a job. We have a dedicated channel that looks like this:

Some people will post jobs available, and you can apply. Or you can share your CV and recruiters might contact you if they like what they see.

Join our community, and you'll be up-to-date with every move in the DevOps industry. Learning will be easier. And you'll finish studying so much faster with thousands of people helping you!

Extra Stuff You Will Find on Slack Community

  • Heads-up on new KodeKloud courses, playgrounds
  • Free courses for you to get started in DevOps
  • Twitter updates on KodeKloud
  • CNCF Eventsvents and Conference Updates
  • Hiring related assistance
  • Guided learning path customized for your profile

Community Forum at KodeKloud

KodeKloud also has a Community ForumKodeKloud also has a Community Forum where you can post your questions and answers if you would like to help. This is an Open community. Anyone can join, read cool information for free, and reply and post their awesome solutions.

You can see all the latest and trending topics here. This can offer an insight into what our students go through while they are learning. Once you Sign-up with KodeKloud, you will automatically get a community account. And you are free to ask for help, or help others in their threads.

Using this community forum, you stand a chance to get your solutions ranked in Google search. So your profile can get some extra visibility. And you might even get some extra work your way if people notice you're an expert in the field. Feel free to join and show off your knowledge and DevOps superpowers!

Below is a sample of a query posted and how we jumped in with the answer.


In conclusion, the available resources, such as free courses in DevOps, Twitter updates on KodeKloud, CNCF events, conference updates, and hiring-related assistance, provide valuable insights for anyone looking to enter the field of DevOps. Additionally, the community's input on choosing between major cloud platforms reflects the importance of leveraging collective knowledge to make well-informed decisions. With access to such resources and insights, individuals can navigate the complexities of DevOps and cloud platforms more effectively.

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