Certified Kubernetes Administrator Exam Series (Part-4): Application Lifecycle Management
In the previous blog of this 10-part series, we discussed Logging & Monitoring. This section introduces various strategies used to manage the lifecycle of Kubernetes applications, ensuring high availability and continuously improving performance.
Here are the eight other blogs in the series:
- Certified Kubernetes Administrator Exam Series (Part-1): Core Concepts
- Certified Kubernetes Administrator Exam Series (Part-2): Scheduling
- Certified Kubernetes Administrator Exam Series (Part-5): Cluster Maintenance
- Certified Kubernetes Administrator Exam Series (Part-6): Security
- Certified Kubernetes Administrator Exam Series (Part-7): Storage
- Certified Kubernetes Administrator Exam Series (Part-8): Networking
- Certified Kubernetes Administrator Exam Series (Part-9): Troubleshooting
- Certified Kubernetes Administrator Exam Series (Part-10): Practice Topics
When deploying a Kubernetes application into production, there are several strategies to stage and update cluster resources without affecting availability. This allows application users to have uninterrupted access even when developers are making changes and pushing updates to the application.
Rolling Updates & Rollback
Rollouts and Versioning
When a deployment is created, it triggers a rollout. Every new rollout, in turn, creates a deployment version, let’s call the first Revision1 (for our reference). When an application is upgraded by updating containers, a new rollout is triggered, creating a newer deployment revision, Revision2.
This makes it easy to keep track of changes in the deployment and roll them back whenever necessary. Below is a manifest file that creates a new deployment, myapp-deployment:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: myapp-deployment
app: web
replicas: 2
app: web
app: web
- name: front-end
image: nginx
- containerPort: 80
- name: rss-reader
image: nickchase/rss-php-nginx:v1
- containerPort: 88
To display running deployments, use the command:
kubectl get deployment
To check the status of a rollout, use the kubectl rollout status
kubectl rollout status deployment/myapp-deployment
To update the image of the application to nginx:1.17 use this command:
kubectl set image deploy myapp-deployment front-end=nginx:1.17
To view the current image version of the app, run the describe pods
kubectl describe pods
In the Image field of the output, verify that you are running the latest image nginx:1.17
To roll back the deployment to your last working version, use the rollout undo
kubectl rollout undo deployment myapp-deployment
For rollout history, use this command:
kubectl rollout history deployment/myapp-deployment
Deployment Strategy
There are two kinds of deployment strategies in Kubernetes: recreate and rolling update.
A. Recreate strategy
In the Recreate strategy, all old POD instances are brought down before newer instances are brought up. This introduces a problem of application unavailability during an update.
The recreate strategy can be desirable for a number of reasons:
- When updated applications require prerequisite data and configuration settings
- The POD is mounted with a ReadWriteOnce volume that cannot be shared with other replicas
- The application doesn’t support multiple versions
B. Rolling Updates
Rolling Updates is a strategy that ensures high availability by incrementally replacing POD instances. Under this strategy, POD instances are taken down and replaced one by one, making the update process seamless. Kubernetes assumes rolling updates to be the default rollout strategy and performs such updates when the strategy is not specified.
.spec.strategy specifies the strategy used to replace old Pods with new ones. .spec.strategy.type can be “Recreate” or “RollingUpdate”.
Docker Commands and Arguments
When we run a docker container built on the Ubuntu OS image:
docker run ubuntu
This initiates the container run and then exits immediately. To check the number of running containers, use the command:
docker ps
The above command will not list stopped containers. For checking all, including stopped containers:
docker ps -a
This shows it's in Exited
f4a947ab4d03 ubuntu "/bin/bash" 58 seconds ago Exited (0) 53 seconds ago pedantic_chaum
This is because containers are made to run specific tasks/processes and not Operating Systems. Once the task is complete, the container exits. A container, therefore, only lives for as long as the task running inside it is alive.
Commands and arguments define the processes that run in a container once it starts. This can be seen in the configuration files for popular Docker images. The CMD
argument for the nginx
image is [“nginx”]
. For the mysql
official image, this argument is [“mysqld”]
The Ubuntu container that ran earlier is a plain OS image. It uses [“bash”]
as its default CMD
argument. bash
is not a process, but it listens for commands from the CLI terminal. If there are no commands from the terminal, the container exits.
One way to override a container’s default commands is to append the docker run
command when initiating the container:
docker run ubuntu sleep 5
In the case above, the container will start, run the sleep program, wait for 5 seconds, and then exit. It is also possible to use the OS as the base image and specify a command in a new Dockerfile. This way, the container will always run this command when it starts. For instance, it is possible to create a Dockerfile named ubuntu-sleeper
with the following specs:
FROM ubuntu
CMD sleep 5
arguments can be specified in both shell
and exec
forms as:
CMD command param1
for instance CMD sleep 5
CMD [“command”, “param”]
for instance CMD [“sleep”, “5”]
The new image can be built using the docker build
docker build -t ubuntu-sleeper .
The container is then run using the command:
docker run ubuntu-sleeper
By default, a container will always start, run the sleep program, wait for 5 seconds, and then exit. To change the number of seconds it sleeps, this can be appended to the docker run
docker run ubuntu-sleeper sleep 10
In this case, the command that runs at startup is sleep 10
so the container starts, runs the sleep program, waits for 10 seconds, and then exits.
If one wants to specify the number of seconds in the command line while the sleep
program executes automatically, it is best to use the ENTRYPOINT
instruction. This instruction specifies the program that executes when the container is running, but the number of seconds can be specified on the CLI. The Dockerfile for this container would be:
FROM ubuntu
ENTRYPOINT ["sleep"]
Running the command docker run ubuntu-sleeper 10
means that the instruction executed at container runtime is sleep 10
. Running this container without a command-line argument returns a ‘missing operand’
error. To configure the application with a default argument value (number of seconds), it is best to combine ENTRYPOINT
and CMD
instructions, as shown below:
FROM Ubuntu
ENTRYPOINT ["sleep"]
CMD ["5"]
In this case, if no command-line arguments are specified, the sleep 5
program is executed when the container is running. If an argument is specified on the command line, the CMD
instruction is ignored, for instance:
docker run ubuntu-sleeper 10
will run the container with the sleep 10
program. When it is necessary to modify the ENTRYPOINT
append the docker run
command with the newer --entrypoint
specified as a flag:
docker run --entrypoint echo ubuntu-sleeper 10
Kubernetes Commands and Arguments
The previous section explored the configuration of commands and arguments in Dockerfiles using ENTRYPOINT
and CMD
instructions. In Kubernetes, these instructions can be specified in the definition files for the PODs running these docker containers. Let’s consider the YAML definition file for the ubuntu-sleeper
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: ubuntu-sleeper-pod
- name: ubuntu-sleeper
image: ubuntu-sleeper
args: ["10"]
The args
field in the POD definition file is the Kubernetes equivalent of the CMD
instruction in a Dockerfile. To represent an ENTRYPOINT
in a POD definition file, the command
field is used:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: ubuntu-sleeper-pod
- name: ubuntu-sleeper
image: ubuntu
command: ["sleep"]
args: ["10"]
Configuring Environment Variables
Environment variables in Kubernetes are configured using the env
property. This property is an array, and a number of items can be specified under the property. Each item has a name
and a value
property, as shown in the simple POD definition file below:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: simple-webapp-color
- name: simple-webapp-color
image: kodekloud/simple-webapp
- containerPort: 8080
- name: APP_COLOR
value: pink
To list the Pod’s container environment variables, use this command:
kubectl exec simple-webapp-color -- env
This is known as the plain key-value
of setting environment variables. The variables can also be set using configMaps
and secrets
, which are explored in the coming sections.
Configuring ConfigMaps
In a cluster that uses numerous Pod instances, it gets difficult to manage the environment data stored across multiple YAML definition files. Environment variable information can be taken out of individual Pod definition files and managed centrally using objects known as configMaps.
These objects store environment data in the form of key-value pairs and pass them to applications when injected into the Pod definition files.
ConfigMaps can be created in two ways: imperatively and declaratively.
With the imperative method, the configMap is created by stating the key-value pairs directly in the command line, i.e:
kubectl create configmap \
<config-name> –from-literal=<key>=<value>
For instance, we could create the configMap app-config
by running the command:
kubectl create configmap \
<config-name> --from-literal=APP_COLOR=blue \
If there are many environment variables, the command may get too complex, and the variables can be managed by writing them onto a file imperatively:
kubectl create configmap \
<config-name> --from-file= file-path
Data is read from this file and stored as environment data in the config-name
file. In the declarative method, a YAML file is used to store the configuration data. For instance, the configMap specifications for the sample app simple-webapp-color
would be:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: app-config
APP_MOD: prod
The configMap data is then injected into the Pod by specifying it in a YAML definition file as follows:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: simple-webapp-color
- name: simple-webapp-color
image: kodekloud/simple-webapp
- containerPort: 8080
- configMapRef:
name: app-config
To list the Pod’s container environment variables, which are managed by configMaps, use the command:
kubectl exec simple-webapp-color -- env
To list the configMaps, use the command:
kubectl get configmaps
To get the data of the app-config configMap, use the command:
kubectl describe configmaps app-config
ConfigMaps are great for storing environment data to be used by resources within the Kubernetes cluster. They are, however, not suitable for sensitive data that require high security. Secrets store information in an encoded format, making them suitable for highly sensitive data.
Just like configMaps, secrets can be created imperatively or declaratively. Let’s assume we are trying to create a secret as follows:
DB_Host: MySQL
DB_User: root
DB_Password: paswrd
Using the imperative method, a secret is created directly on the command line without the need for a definition file, i.e:
kubectl create secret generic \
<secret-name> --from-literal=<key>=<value> \
To encode the values, the following command is used on a Linux host:
echo -n '<value>' | base64
Since we are trying to encode: mysql
, root
and paswrd
, our secret values will be bXlzcWw=
, cm9vdA==
and cGFzd3Jk
So the imperative command will be:
kubectl create secret generic \
app-secret --from-literal=DB_Host=bXlzcWw= \
--from-literal=DB_User=cm9vdA== \
This command also gets complicated when there are numerous environment variables to specify. The secrets can also be written onto files, as follows:
kubectl create secret \
<secret-name> --from-file= file-path
Using the declarative method, the secret is first created in a YAML definition file:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: app-secret
DB_Host: bXlzcWw=
DB_User: cm9vdA==
DB-Password: cGFzd3Jk
The secret is then created by running the command:
kubectl create -f secret-data.yaml
To view secrets, use the command:
kubectl get secrets
The newly created secret can be inspected using the command:
kubectl describe secrets
To get the secrets as presented in YAML format, run this command:
kubectl get secret app-secret -o yaml
The secrets can be decoded back to plain text format by running the following command on a Linux host:
echo -n '<value>' | base64 --decode
To inject a secret into a POD, it is specified as secretRef
under envFrom
in the POD definition file:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: simple-webapp-color
- name: simple-webapp-color
image: kodekloud/simple-webapp
- containerPort: 8080
- secretRef:
name: app-secret
To list the Pod’s container environment variables, use this command:
kubectl exec simple-webapp-color -- env
Multi-Container PODs
Microservices architecture allows for the creation of light, agile, and reusable code. This makes it easy to scale the application up and down and easily manage deployments by updating only those services requiring an upgrade. In some cases, services may need to work together without having to be merged.
While they operate with the same number of replicas, they are developed and deployed independently. Deploying these services in Multi-Container Pods will result in them sharing resources and a lifecycle, making it easier to communicate since they can refer to each other as localHost
To create a multi-container Pod, the new container’s information is added to the containers
section under spec
in the Pod definition file, as shown:
apiVersion: v1
kind: pod
name: simple-webapp-color
- name: simple-webapp-color
image: kodekloud/simple-webapp
- containerPort: 8080
- name: log-agent
image: log-agent
This concludes the Application Lifecycle Management section of the CKA certification exam.
You can now proceed to the next part of this series: Certified Kubernetes Administrator Exam Series (Part-5): Cluster Maintenance.
Here is the previous part of the series: Certified Kubernetes Administrator Exam Series (Part-3): Logging & Monitoring.
Research Questions
Here is a quick quiz to help you assess your knowledge. Leave your answers in the comments below and tag us back.
Quick Tip – Questions below may include a mix of DOMC and MCQ types.
1. Which command can be used to inspect the deployment and identify the number of Pods deployed by it?
[A] kubectl inspect pod
[B] kubectl inspect deploy
[C] kubectl describe deployment
[D] kubectl describe pod
2. There are two kinds of deployment strategies in Kubernetes: The Recreate and Rolling Update Strategies.
[A] True
[B] False
3. Upgrade the application by setting the image on the deployment to kodekloud/web app-color:v3
Deployment Name: frontend
Deployment Image: kodekloud/webapp-color:v3
ContainerName: frontend
kubectl set image deploy/frontend frontend=kodekloud/web app-color:v3
4. Create a pod with the Ubuntu image to run a container to sleep for 5000 seconds.
Pod Name: ubuntu-sleeper-2
Command: sleep 5000
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: ubuntu-sleeper-2
- name: ubuntu
image: ubuntu
- "sleep"
- "5000"
5. Create a pod with the given specifications. By default, it displays a blue
background. Set the given command-line arguments to change it to green
Pod Name: webapp-green
Image: kodekloud/webapp-color
Command line arguments: --color=green
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: webapp-green
name: webapp-green
- name: simple-webapp
image: kodekloud/webapp-color
args: ["--color", "green"]
6. The Recreate strategy is the default rollout strategy.
[A] True
[B] False
7. Add the environment variable on the POD to display a pink
Pod Name: webapp-color
Image Name: kodekloud/webapp-color
Env: APP_COLOR=pink
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: webapp-color
- env:
- name: APP_COLOR
value: pink
image: kodekloud/webapp-color
name: webapp-color
8. Create a new ConfigMap for the webapp-color
POD. Use the spec given below.
ConfigName Name: webapp-config-map
Data: APP_COLOR=darkblue
$ kubectl create configmap web app-config-map --from-literal=APP_COLOR=darkblue
9. Create a multi-container pod with 2 containers. Use the spec given below.
If the pod goes into the crashloopbackoff
then add sleep 1000
in the lemon
PODName: yellow
Container 1 Name: lemon
Container 1 Image: busybox
Container 2 Name: gold
Container 2 Image: redis
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: yellow
- name: lemon
image: busybox
- sleep
- "1000"
- name: gold
image: redis
This part of the course offers an in-depth introduction to how application deployments behave in the production environment. By exploring the different rollout strategies, this section outlines information with guidance on choosing the right deployment strategy for different kinds of applications. KodeKloud’s curriculum also includes practicals on how to perform rollbacks when the updates result in undesired changes in the application.
This section is crucial for prospective Kubernetes administrators since it is a guide on how to manage applications from inception to retirement. With the knowledge explored in this section, the candidate can easily create running applications based on CMD
instructions, and manage application environments using Environment Variables, ConfigMaps, and Secrets.

Exam Preparation Course
Our CKA Exam Preparation course explains all the Kubernetes concepts included in the certification’s curriculum. After each topic, you get interactive quizzes to help you internalize the concepts learned. At the end of the course, we have mock exams that will help familiarize you with the exam format, time management, and question types.
Explore our CKA exam preparation course curriculum.