Bash Scripting Bash Regex: How to Use Regex in a Shell Script In this blog post, we understand what regex is, along with some common metacharacters.
Bash Scripting How to Use Bash Getopts With Examples Getopts is a powerful shell command used to parse command line options and arguments. It provides a structured way to handle complex input patterns, thereby making your scripts more readable and maintainable. In this blog post, we’ll start with an understanding of what positional parameters are and their inherent
Bash Scripting How to Return Value From a Bash Function Bash, one of the most popular shell scripting languages, handles functions a little differently from what you might expect if you're coming from other programming languages. In particular, returning values from Bash functions can be a bit tricky to understand for newcomers. In this blog post, we’ll
Bash Scripting How to Extract Bash Substring Extracting substrings from a larger string is a fundamental operation in text manipulation, which is an essential skill in Bash scripting. In this blog post, we'll explore three methods that you can use to extract substrings in Bash. We will first look at using Bash's built-in
Bash Scripting Eof Bash: What Is It and How Does It Work? Have you ever come across the term EOF in a Bash script and wondered what it means or how to utilize this feature effectively? If you've found yourself asking these questions, then you're in the right place. In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into
Bash Scripting How to Convert Bash String to Lowercase String manipulation is a fundamental aspect of scripting in any programming language, and Bash is no exception. One such common task is to convert the case of strings, which is particularly useful in text processing and analysis. In this blog post, we’ll explore two methods of converting Bash string
Bash Scripting Bash Compare Strings: How to Check if Two Strings Are Equal Whether you’re validating user input or processing text data, knowing how to compare strings is an important skill. In this blog post, we’ll look at four different methods you can use to check if two strings are equal. We’ll use examples to explain each method, providing you
Bash Scripting How to Make a Bash Script File Executable in Linux A Bash script is essentially a text file containing a series of commands. To make a Bash script file executable means giving it permission to be run as a program. In this blog post, we'll start by taking a deep dive into the concept of file permissions in
Bash Scripting How to Check if a File Exists in Bash Let's say you're creating a Bash script to save some data in a file. It's important to ensure that the file exists before you try to write to it. If not, your script may not work as expected. This is just one example. In
Bash Scripting How to Read a File Line by Line in Bash File manipulation is an essential skill when dealing with scripting and automation. Whether you’re analyzing log files, processing data sets, or parsing configuration files, the ability to read and interpret file content is critical. In this blog post, we’ll learn how to read a file line by line
shell scripting How to Run Shell Script (.sh) Files in Linux Shell scripts play an important role in Linux. They help automate repetitive tasks and streamline complex procedures, which saves users time and significantly reduces the chance of human errors. This results in more reliable outcomes and improved system stability. In this blog post, we’ll explore three different methods to
Bash Scripting How to Write Bash Scripts to Loop Through Array Values Looping through array values is a common task in Bash scripting. For instance, you might want to loop through an array of filenames and execute specific commands on each one. In this blog post, you’ll learn how to write bash scripts that utilize for loops to iterate through array