Top 10 Reasons To Learn DevOps

The history of DevOps can be traced back to the early 2000s when the software development and IT operations communities started to realize the need for a more collaborative and efficient approach to software delivery. This realization was driven by the increasing complexity of software systems and the challenges of managing and deploying them effectively.

In this article, we'll look at what DevOps means and why you should learn it.

What is DevOps?

DevOps evolved from different innovations and philosophies through the years. It comes from the amalgamation of two words: DEV, meaning development, and OPS, meaning operations.

DevOps describes the cultural and technical movement that aimed to break down silos between development and operations and to foster a more collaborative and integrated approach to software delivery. This movement was influenced by various methodologies and practices, including Lean, Agile, and systems thinking.

Benefits of DevOps

Below are some of the benefits enjoyed by organizations that adopt DevOps:

  • Faster time to market for software products
  • Improved collaboration and communication between development and operations teams
  • Increased efficiency through automation of manual processes
  • Enhanced reliability and stability of software systems
  • Ability to respond to changing market demands more effectively
  • Reduced risk of errors and failures in software deployment
  • Facilitation of continuous feedback and improvement in the software development lifecycle

10. Your work has a greater impact on the productivity of entire teams and departments

Part of a DevOps engineer’s task is to automate processes as much as possible. This automation further improves the quality of life within teams, by eliminating many tedious and repetitive tasks.

By automating tedious and repetitive tasks, teams experience less stress, increase productivity, and are better able to meet performance targets. Being appreciated for implementing automation can be a significant motivator for DevOps engineers and team members alike.

9. You can work anywhere

DevOps and remote work have become increasingly interconnected in today's work environment. The principles and practices of DevOps, such as automation, collaboration, and continuous delivery, are well-suited for remote work setups. With the right tools and processes in place, DevOps teams can effectively collaborate, communicate, and coordinate their efforts regardless of their physical location. 

Additionally, automation in DevOps allows team members to seamlessly work on tasks and projects from remote locations, ensuring efficiency and consistency in software delivery. The principles of DevOps can greatly facilitate and support the success of remote work arrangements.

8. Exciting technologies to learn

DevOps engineers have very many tools in DevOps at their disposal. It allows them to use the right tool for the right job, leading to greater flexibility and efficiency in the development and deployment processes. However, it's important to ensure that the tools are well-integrated and don't create unnecessary complexity.

Choosing the right tools in DevOps is crucial for streamlining the development and deployment processes. It's important to assess the specific needs of your team and projects and then select tools that align with those requirements. Consider factors such as integration capabilities, ease of use, scalability, and community support when making your choices. Additionally, regularly evaluating and updating your toolset can help ensure that you are always using the most effective solutions for your DevOps workflows.

7. Greater sense of fulfillment and accomplishment and interesting challenges to solve

By adopting DevOps practices, teams can streamline processes, automate manual tasks, and improve overall efficiency, leading to a sense of fulfillment in delivering value to customers and the business.

When we feel valued, we are likely to be more productive, loyal, and satisfied in our roles. This can lead to higher job satisfaction, lower turnover rates, and better overall morale within the organization. 

Additionally, it's incredibly rewarding to tackle a DevOps problem head-on, analyze it from different angles, and work towards finding a solution. The feeling of accomplishment and the sense of overcoming obstacles is truly fulfilling.

6. Be part of something bigger; you are valuable to any company.

Companies are continuously seeking good DevOps engineers. Not only do they ensure that team collaboration is as optimized as possible, but they also ensure that the software infrastructure runs cost-efficiently.

This allows companies to maximize their profitability without compromising on software quality. DevOps engineers also become one of the company's supporting pillars as they build the necessary infrastructure to maintain the software or service’s uptime and stability.

5. Certifications and Career Growth

DevOps certifications can be valuable in demonstrating your expertise and commitment to potential employers. Consider pursuing certifications to enhance your credentials in the field of DevOps. Always ensure that the certifications you pursue align with your career goals and the specific technologies and tools you work with.

DevOps is one of those careers that have a fast rate of career growth. Once you have covered the basics and fundamentals, you can then get started applying for a junior role in a company. All of that experience and progress that you acquired over the years will certainly add to your credentials and improve your negotiating power along the way.

4. In Demand

The demand for DevOps engineers is steadily increasing as more companies recognize the value of implementing DevOps practices. Organizations are seeking professionals who can streamline software development processes, improve collaboration between development and IT operations teams, and automate infrastructure deployment. 

With the growing demand for DevOps engineers, it's essential to stay updated with the latest tools, technologies, and best practices in the field to remain competitive in the job market.

3. High Salary and Better benefits

The average salary for DevOps engineers in the United States is around $110,000 per year. However, this can vary based on factors such as location, experience, and the specific industry.

In some tech hubs, with added experience, DevOps engineers can earn significantly higher salaries. It's also worth noting that additional certifications and specialized skills can often lead to higher earning potential.

2. Job stability

Job stability in DevOps is generally quite strong due to the increasing demand for DevOps engineers. As more companies adopt DevOps practices to streamline their software development and deployment processes, the need for skilled professionals in this field continues to grow. 

Additionally, the ever-evolving nature of technology ensures that DevOps engineers with up-to-date skills and knowledge remain highly sought after in the job market. With the right qualifications, experience, and expertise, DevOps engineers can enjoy job stability and numerous opportunities for career advancement. Keep in mind that staying current with the latest tools, technologies, and best practices in the field will be essential for maintaining job stability and remaining competitive in the industry.

1. It’s so easy to get started

Now that you understand why DevOps engineers are highly sought after, It will be totally up to you to decide if DevOps as a career is for you. If you do want to shift your career or get started with DevOps, the good news is it is not that hard to get started!

Getting started to learn DevOps is easy. As with any other endeavor, it all starts with the first step, focusing on basics and fundamentals.

KodeKloud has a great DevOps Learning path. It is meticulously crafted to equip individuals with a comprehensive understanding of DevOps principles and practices, from foundational concepts to advanced automation and observability techniques.  The path culminates with mastering observability through the Prometheus Certified Associate (PCA)  certification.

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