Unable to create EC2 T2 Large instance , How can i get access to create one?

Kindly allow me or add the support to create EC2 large instance type ?

You are not allowed to create instance size bigger than medium due to cost.
I we allowed larger instances etc. it would raise the subscription costs for everyone.

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I Am trying to create a user with Admin access , which i unable to do so,is that allowed or is there a way i can achieve that ?
getting the below error

  • Failed to add AdministratorAccess to user. User: arn:aws:iam::861007547049:user/kk_labs_user_491024 is not authorized to perform: iam:AttachUserPolicy on resource: user kk_labs_user_491024 because no identity-based policy allows the iam:AttachUserPolicy action

IAM is not currently supported in AWS, however I’ve been told it is coming soon (maybe next week).

Now i am not able to make a simple EC2 instance , given the below error.

Kindly let me know for the resolution.

For this EC2 i am trying to create it in my private subnet and attach to my custom VPC, and here it is failing, normal Ec2 i am able to create but this one alone i cant.

Please give details of the EC2 instance and the region you are trying to launch it in.

Refer to the playground page for AWS:
AWS SandBox Playground | KodeKloud

The Details are that i was creating it in oregon , i was trying to attach it in my own VPC and to my public subnet, than it was throwing the issue.
when i was creating a normal Ec2 it was not throwing any error.

N. Virginia region is the best to use. Everything that is listed as working for playground will work there.