Terraform From Local Machine


Is there anyway we can access to playground through our local machine using Terraform? I know we have already up and running Terraform infrastructure, I just want to mirror real world scenario by adding AWS credentials etc.

Which playground? AWS, Azure or GCP?

I want to try on AWS

In AWS go to IAM, select the existing user and then select Create Access Key under Access key 2 in the Summary.
Select Command Line Interface (CLI), click you understand and then next, then select Create Access Key
Note down the Access Key and the Secret.
Back in your local terminal run aws configure and use the credentials you just noted down. Don’t change the region from us-east-1.

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That works thank you!

I can see the playground time is available for 3 hours only. If I reopen will I have new credentials? If so, should I run terraform init again?

Yes after 3 hours the playground will be deleted and you will have to start over from a fresh playground.

Depending upon what you need, you can also run a simulated AWS system on your laptop and run terraform against it. This is a very cool project called localstack; we use this in some of our labs. Fun and educational!

I can create access key and secret access key and can able to do aws configure from my local system. But while running terraform files on the aws. I am getting below error(STS: GetCallerIdentity). But while accessing same from TERRAFORM+AWS playgrounds. I can access it. So, is this still a limitation on AWS playgrounds?

terraform plan

Planning failed. Terraform encountered an error while generating this plan.

│ Error: Retrieving AWS account details: validating provider credentials: retrieving caller identity from STS: operation error STS: GetCallerIdentity, decomposing request: net/http: invalid header field value for “Authorization”
│ with provider[“Terraform Registry”],
│ on V1-EC2.tf line 1, in provider “aws”:
│ 1: provider “aws” {

This means you have the credentials wrong.

Thank you. I don’t think so. I can list the s3 buckets but i wasn’t able to user terraform commands to create resources. If the credentials are wrong , then i shouln’t be able to list s3 buckets. Correct?

By credentials, i mean Access Key + Secret Access key which i used to do “aws configure” from aws cli.

In that case you are not allowed to create the resource.

How can i be allowed then?

You don’t say what you are trying to create. To keep costs down we can’t allow access to any resource without limits.

Edit: if you refer to the playground page it give details of what is permitted:
AWS SandBox Playground | KodeKloud

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I am trying to create an EC2 Instance.

You can create smaller EC2 instances with standard (not premium) disks.

I re-provision the new AWS playground and again configured the access key and secret access key. It’s worked now. (Maybe caching issue not sure. I was doing same thing before). Anyway, Thank you so much for quick responses. Very helpful!!