My task was set as failed too. Below i attach recap message:
Task Status - Failed
required ‘SElinux’ packages are not installed on App Server {{HOST_COUNT}}
The same variable {{HOST_COUNT}} was in question.
I think I installed all needed packages and disable SELinux permanently in /etc/selinux/config. To be sure everything is OK i made all needed changes on all app servers. Unfortunately veryfication failed.
# This file controls the state of SELinux on the system.
# SELINUX= can take one of these three values:
# enforcing - SELinux security policy is enforced.
# permissive - SELinux prints warnings instead of enforcing.
# disabled - No SELinux policy is loaded.
# SELINUXTYPE= can take one of three values:
# targeted - Targeted processes are protected,
# minimum - Modification of targeted policy. Only selected processes are protected.
# mls - Multi Level Security protection.
@Inderpreet In DNS troubleshooting task, in the task its mentioned to use Google DNS name servers but it didnt mention ipv4 or ipv6 dns name servers, i have used ipv6 name servers and however ping gave ipv4 name server. but task is mentioned incomplete. can you make the task pending for me, i shall use ipv4 name servers and complete the task this time.
i had an issue with this lab , i went thru all the steps to put the selinux into disabled stated , they re scored me as Failed for the task, Apparently , they score me on the assumption it had should been done on App server 1 however , in the writting they mention APP server 3 ??? anyone faced this issue in the lab???
about Linux run levels task: @Lakshmi@Tej-Singh-Rana@Inderpreet@akshayyw pls check the screen shots attached in thread Linux run levels failed, i am not sure why stapp01 says runlevel is not set and others stapp02 stapp03 as set. i have started changing run levels to 5 with stapp01 itself and later stapp02,stapp03. its puzzling for me any update by checking the screen shots. getting a failed task downs the tempo when you did everything right in the task. @kodekloud-support3@Ayman
I’ve made this task three times and I think I’m fine but Everything indicates NO.
First time i could have been wrong, but 2nd and 3rd time I fervently believe that it’s okay.
I argue and indicate my steps
Task =>
Install the required packages of SElinux on App server 3 in Stratos Datacenter and disable it permanently for now; it will be enabled after making some required configuration changes on this host. Don’t worry about rebooting the server as there is already a reboot scheduled for tonight’s maintenance window. Also ignore the status of SElinux command line right now; the final status after reboot should be disabled.
Step 1 - Connect
Connect to server App server 3 => @stapp03
ssh banner@stapp03;
sudo su -;
Step 2 - Install packages
Install packages and their associated dependencies
sudo yum install -y policycoreutils policycoreutils-python selinux-policy selinux-policy-targeted libselinux-utils setroubleshoot-server setools setools-console mcstrans
Hello, @juancgarciaco
I have performed same steps whatever you defined and task status is success. Did you perform any steps or made changes after submit the task?
I have checked the packages initially by ‘rpm -qa | grep selinux’ and it listed only one package and that was already installed.Once I checked the /etc/selinux semanage.conf and tmp was there config file was missing, I then installed all other policy packages mentioned in this discussion and got different folder structure inside the selinux folder. On typing sestatus it was showing disabled and was not showing any information about the config file.I failed in the task, any clue why config file was missing.
I finished my task of selinux and I had it failed. I take a screenshot with the result. Could you tell me what I did wrong, please? Thank you very much.