Thanks for reporting this. You also need to make sure the change is persistent i.e the status must remain disabled even after system reboot. Also you mentioned about results on stapp02 host however in error message you shared its stapp03, is it a typo? You also need to make sure changes were done on correct server.
I installed SELinux and changed corresponding config to make the change permanent. After rebooting the app server, it never came up. And I failed the task.
Hi - I think the question mentions not to reboot the server? But thats OK. Please attempt the question again once its reassigned to you and let us know if you face issues.
In question it says rebooting is not required for now as there is a scheduled job to care of this. Also, question says ignore status of SElinux what it shows from the command line right now.
I completed the task and install all the packages of Selinux in App Server 1, the status was disabled and I did not restart the server as per requirements of the task, however, I still failed the task. I attached an image of this result.
You were supposed to make changes in Selinux configuration as well to keep the required state persistent. This is something you missed hence the answer was marked as failed for you.
Seems like you had a spelling mistake while making entry in Selinux config file. The state was supposed to be set to disabled but mistakenly you entered disbaled in the config so answer was marked as failed.
I’ve installed all the SElinux packages and updated /etc/selinux/config by settin SELINUX=disable in stapp02. But the task is mentioned failed. What’s wrong?
We just reviewed your answer and found that you rebooted the stapp02 server after making changes however in question it is clearly mentioned not to reboot the server. Please note that in any of the questions you never need to reboot the servers.
I hope it clarifies why your task was marked as failed.
As per error displayed w.r.t your task required packages are not installed on app server 1 seems like you were asked to make the required changes on App Server 1 instead of App Server 2. Hence task was marked as failed.