Puppet Setup SSH Keys - fail


The task fail with this error, “- ‘thor’ user on ‘jump_host’ is not able to ssh into tony@stapp01”, even I managed to test ssh to all 3 app servers, before completing.

thor@jump host ~$ ssh tony@stapp01
The authenticity of host ‘stapp01 (’ can’t be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:7sG1mLkw+debMYxM2o+anzkaULmlGlXpbrXMrFy5UKg. ECDSA key fingerprint is MD5:46:62:af:88:3d:dd:86:8a:6f:8b:12:0e:7a:5e:05:a7. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes Warning: Permanently added ‘stapp01’ (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts. Last login: Sat Aug 28 13:53:02 2021 from jump
[tony@stapp01 ~]$ exit logout

What could be wrong?

Hi @DTsg

From the task recording its not clear what is manifest you used, can you please share the same for review ?

Hi @Inderpreet,

Here are I still have in my notes,

thor@jump_host ~/.ssh$ cat /home/thor/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

$public_key = ‘…’ ← the value of id_rsa.pub

class ssh_node1 {
ssh_authorized_key { ‘[email protected]’:
ensure => present,
user => ‘tony’,
type => ‘ssh-rsa’,
key => $public_key,

class ssh_node2 {
ssh_authorized_key { ‘[email protected]’:
ensure => present,
user => ‘steve’,
type => ‘ssh-rsa’,
key => $public_key,

class ssh_node3 {
ssh_authorized_key { ‘[email protected]’:
ensure => present,
user => ‘banner’,
type => ‘ssh-rsa’,
key => $public_key,

node stapp01.stratos.xfusioncorp.com {
include ssh_node1

node stapp02.stratos.xfusioncorp.com {
include ssh_node2

node stapp03.stratos.xfusioncorp.com {
include ssh_node3

Hi @DTsg

Can you please send me a sample value for $public_key you are adding ?

Hi @Inderpreet,

I don’t have, since I copied pasted directly on screen. I didn’t make a local copy.

However, in case you suspect I copied wrongly, I copy the key as public_key, without ssh-rsa and thor@jump_host

ssh-rsa key thor@jump_host

And as I pasted in KodeKloud Engineer | Real Project Tasks on Real Systems, I managed to ssh keyless into 3 apps so technically I copied the correct key, didn’t I?

Hi @Inderpreet,

Do you have any update? My task status is Failed now :confused:

Hi @Inderpreet / @Tej-Singh-Rana,

Could you update on my ‘fail’ task?

Hi @DTsg

Please share your email ID or KKE username.

Hi @Inderpreet ,

Here is [email protected]

Hi @DTsg

This is marked successful for you.

Hi @Inderpreet ,

I am experiencing the exact same issue/error even though I was able to successfully ssh (without a password) into all 3 nodes from the jump server. Can you mark this task as a success for me?


Hi @juliettet ,
Can you please share your user name?


Hi Tej-Singh-Rana,

Thank you for responding. My user name is just my name: Juliette Tworsey.

Let me know if you need my email address as well.


This has been marked as a success. @juliettet


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Thank you @Tej-Singh-Rana !

Hi ,

I got same error /issue , but i think than i do a good job for this task.

Somebody can help me?

Hi @Herve-Nyame,
Have you got a chance to share your work under the “Review” section?


Yes i do it , my work is correct, I can share it with you if you want.

Yes, please share it.

Are you not seeing the review link?
If you are not seeing the link then please check the “Review By” date. May be “Review By” date has been passed.