Plugin installation issues Lab - Jenkins Pipeline Q6 (DevSecOps)

Hi there,

I’m encountering some challenges while working on Lab - Jenkins Pipeline Q6 in the DevSecOps course. I’m unable to successfully install the required Pipeline & Git plugins for Jenkins.

Error Details:

I’ve attached a screenshot of the specific error message I’m receiving. This information will be crucial in pinpointing the exact issue.

Manage Jenkins

Some plugins could not be loaded due to unsatisfied dependencies. Fix these issues and restart Jenkins to re-enable these plugins.

Dependency errors:

Credentials Binding Plugin (626.v8d9034b_8ea_cc)
Jenkins (2.361.4) or higher required

Pipeline: Milestone Step (119.vdfdc43fc3b_9a_)
Jenkins (2.361.4) or higher required

Pipeline: Build Step (491.v1fec530da_858)
Jenkins (2.361.4) or higher required

Mina SSHD API :: Core (2.12.0-90.v9f7fb_9fa_3d3b_)
Jenkins (2.361.4) or higher required

Credentials Plugin (1311.vcf0a_900b_37c2)
Jenkins (2.387.1) or higher required

Jakarta Activation API (2.1.3-1)
Jenkins (2.361.4) or higher required

Mina SSHD API :: Common (2.12.0-90.v9f7fb_9fa_3d3b_)
Jenkins (2.361.4) or higher required

Pipeline: Declarative (2.2133.ve46a_6113dfc3)
Jenkins (2.361.4) or higher required

Caffeine API Plugin (3.1.8-133.v17b_1ff2e0599)
Jenkins (2.361.4) or higher required

Instance Identity (185.v303dc7c645f9)
Jenkins (2.361.4) or higher required

SnakeYAML API Plugin (2.2-111.vc6598e30cc65)
Jenkins (2.361.4) or higher required

Plain Credentials Plugin (182.v468b_97b_9dcb_8)
Jenkins (2.361.4) or higher required

bouncycastle API Plugin (
Jenkins (2.361.4) or higher required

Pipeline: Multibranch (746.v05814d19c001)
Jenkins (2.361.4) or higher required

JAXB plugin (2.3.8-1)
Jenkins (2.361.4) or higher required

JavaMail API (1.6.2-10)
Jenkins (2.361.4) or higher required

Pipeline: Nodes and Processes (1289.v4d3e7b_01546b_)
Jenkins (2.361.4) or higher required

Pipeline: Stage Tags Metadata (2.2133.ve46a_6113dfc3)
Jenkins (2.361.4) or higher required

JavaBeans Activation Framework (JAF) API (1.2.0-7)
Jenkins (2.361.4) or higher required

Jenkins Git client plugin (4.3.0)
Jenkins (2.361.4) or higher required

SCM API Plugin (676.v886669a_199a_a_)
Jenkins (2.361.4) or higher required

Folders Plugin (6.815.v0dd5a_cb_40e0e)
Jenkins (2.375.1) or higher required

Variant Plugin (60.v7290fc0eb_b_cd)
Jenkins (2.361.4) or higher required

Pipeline: Stage Step (312.v8cd10304c27a_)
Jenkins (2.361.4) or higher required

Durable Task Plugin (555.v6802fe0f0b_82)
Jenkins (2.361.4) or higher required

Pipeline: Job (1326.ve643e00e9220)
Jenkins (2.361.4) or higher required

Pipeline: Basic Steps (1058.vcb_fc1e3a_21a_9)
Jenkins (2.361.4) or higher required

Pipeline: Declarative Extension Points API (2.2133.ve46a_6113dfc3)
Jenkins (2.361.4) or higher required

Structs Plugin (325.vcb_307d2a_2782)
Jenkins (2.361.4) or higher required

Pipeline: Groovy Libraries (689.veec561a_dee13)
Jenkins (2.361.4) or higher required

Jenkins Apache HttpComponents Client 4.x API Plugin (4.5.14-150.v7a_b_9d17134a_5)
Jenkins (2.361.4) or higher required

Pipeline: Groovy (3673.v5b_dd74276262)
Jenkins (2.361.4) or higher required

Jenkins Mailer Plugin (457.v3f72cb_e015e5)
Jenkins (2.361.4) or higher required

Ionicons API (74.v93d5eb_813d5f)
Jenkins (2.361.4) or higher required

Jackson 2 API Plugin (2.15.3-363.v82c51b_de9f60)
Jenkins (2.361.4) or higher required

Jakarta Mail API (2.1.3-1)
Jenkins (2.361.4) or higher required

Pipeline: Model API (2.2133.ve46a_6113dfc3)
Jenkins (2.361.4) or higher required

Script Security Plugin (1269.v639888f5e366)
Jenkins (2.361.4) or higher required

Pipeline: Input Step (477.v339683a_8d55e)
Jenkins (2.361.4) or higher required

Branch API Plugin (2.1105.v472604208c55)
Jenkins (2.361.4) or higher required

Pipeline: API (1291.v51fd2a_625da_7)
Jenkins (2.361.4) or higher required

Some of the above failures also result in additional indirectly dependent plugins not being able to load.

Indirectly dependent plugins:

Credentials Binding Plugin (626.v8d9034b_8ea_cc)
Failed to load: Pipeline: Step API (workflow-step-api 639.v6eca_cd8c04a_a_)
Pipeline: Milestone Step (119.vdfdc43fc3b_9a_)
Failed to load: Pipeline: API (workflow-api 1291.v51fd2a_625da_7)
Pipeline (596.v8c21c963d92d)
Failed to load: Pipeline: Groovy Libraries (pipeline-groovy-lib 689.veec561a_dee13)
Pipeline: Build Step (491.v1fec530da_858)
Failed to load: Pipeline: API (workflow-api 1291.v51fd2a_625da_7)
Mina SSHD API :: Core (2.12.0-90.v9f7fb_9fa_3d3b_)
Failed to load: Mina SSHD API :: Common (mina-sshd-api-common 2.12.0-90.v9f7fb_9fa_3d3b_)
Credentials Plugin (1311.vcf0a_900b_37c2)
Failed to load: Structs Plugin (structs 325.vcb_307d2a_2782)
Pipeline: Declarative (2.2133.ve46a_6113dfc3)
Failed to load: Pipeline: Groovy Libraries (pipeline-groovy-lib 689.veec561a_dee13)
Instance Identity (185.v303dc7c645f9)
Failed to load: bouncycastle API Plugin (bouncycastle-api
Pipeline: Step API (639.v6eca_cd8c04a_a_)
Failed to load: Structs Plugin (structs 325.vcb_307d2a_2782)
Plain Credentials Plugin (182.v468b_97b_9dcb_8)
Failed to load: Credentials Plugin (credentials 1311.vcf0a_900b_37c2)
Pipeline: Multibranch (746.v05814d19c001)
Failed to load: Pipeline: API (workflow-api 1291.v51fd2a_625da_7)
JAXB plugin (2.3.8-1)
Failed to load: JavaBeans Activation Framework (JAF) API (javax-activation-api 1.2.0-7)
JavaMail API (1.6.2-10)
Failed to load: JavaBeans Activation Framework (JAF) API (javax-activation-api 1.2.0-7)
Pipeline: Nodes and Processes (1289.v4d3e7b_01546b_)
Failed to load: Pipeline: API (workflow-api 1291.v51fd2a_625da_7)
Pipeline: Stage Tags Metadata (2.2133.ve46a_6113dfc3)
Failed to load: Pipeline: API (workflow-api 1291.v51fd2a_625da_7)
SSH Credentials Plugin (305.v8f4381501156)
Failed to load: Credentials Plugin (credentials 1311.vcf0a_900b_37c2)
Git client plugin (4.3.0)
Failed to load: Mina SSHD API :: Common (mina-sshd-api-common 2.12.0-90.v9f7fb_9fa_3d3b_)
SCM API Plugin (676.v886669a_199a_a_)
Failed to load: Structs Plugin (structs 325.vcb_307d2a_2782)
Folders Plugin (6.815.v0dd5a_cb_40e0e)
Failed to load: Ionicons API (ionicons-api 74.v93d5eb_813d5f)
Pipeline: Stage Step (312.v8cd10304c27a_)
Failed to load: Pipeline: API (workflow-api 1291.v51fd2a_625da_7)
Pipeline: Job (1326.ve643e00e9220)
Failed to load: Ionicons API (ionicons-api 74.v93d5eb_813d5f)
Pipeline: Basic Steps (1058.vcb_fc1e3a_21a_9)
Failed to load: Jakarta Mail API (jakarta-mail-api 2.1.3-1)
Pipeline: Declarative Extension Points API (2.2133.ve46a_6113dfc3)
Failed to load: Pipeline: Groovy (workflow-cps 3673.v5b_dd74276262)
Pipeline: Groovy Libraries (689.veec561a_dee13)
Failed to load: Pipeline: API (workflow-api 1291.v51fd2a_625da_7)
Pipeline: Groovy (3673.v5b_dd74276262)
Failed to load: Ionicons API (ionicons-api 74.v93d5eb_813d5f)
Pipeline: Supporting APIs (839.v35e2736cfd5c)
Failed to load: Caffeine API Plugin (caffeine-api 3.1.8-133.v17b_1ff2e0599)
Mailer Plugin (457.v3f72cb_e015e5)
Failed to load: Jakarta Mail API (jakarta-mail-api 2.1.3-1)
Jackson 2 API Plugin (2.15.3-363.v82c51b_de9f60)
Failed to load: JavaBeans Activation Framework (JAF) API (javax-activation-api 1.2.0-7)
Pipeline: SCM Step (408.v7d5b_135a_b_d49)
Failed to load: Pipeline: Step API (workflow-step-api 639.v6eca_cd8c04a_a_)
Jakarta Mail API (2.1.3-1)
Failed to load: Jakarta Activation API (jakarta-activation-api 2.1.3-1)
Pipeline: Model API (2.2133.ve46a_6113dfc3)
Failed to load: Pipeline: Step API (workflow-step-api 639.v6eca_cd8c04a_a_)
Script Security Plugin (1269.v639888f5e366)
Failed to load: Caffeine API Plugin (caffeine-api 3.1.8-133.v17b_1ff2e0599)
Pipeline: Input Step (477.v339683a_8d55e)
Failed to load: Pipeline: API (workflow-api 1291.v51fd2a_625da_7)
Branch API Plugin (2.1105.v472604208c55)
Failed to load: Caffeine API Plugin (caffeine-api 3.1.8-133.v17b_1ff2e0599)
Pipeline: API (1291.v51fd2a_625da_7)
Failed to load: Pipeline: Step API (workflow-step-api 639.v6eca_cd8c04a_a_)

It appears that your reverse proxy set up is broken.

Please don’t post the same message multiple time. As mentioned in the other thread the issue has been raised and the team will get to it in due course.

hey , i meet also the same problem

Welcome to the club. It’s been almost a month, and they still haven’t fixed the lab functionality. I didn’t request anything new or critically functional; this is just related to the course lab. The support team experts seem unsure how to resolve this. They told me today is the estimated time for resolving these issues, but it’s unclear how long I’ll need to wait. This situation is really demotivating me from moving forward.

Very sorry for the delay. We’ve gotten Jenkins updated, and I’ve confirmed that the lab step now works; Pipeline installs with no errors at all.

Thanks a lot. I tested the plugin functionality and it works fine.