Permission issues with AWS Playground

Hi Team,
I am not able to create EKS cluster from AWS console , due to lack of privileges of selecting VPC, saying you are not authorized to perform this operation . I faces similar issues earlier as well with AWS and GCP playgrounds . Please get this resolved

Hi @shameeksl ,
Your issue has been reported, we’ll come back to you soon


Thanks @mmkmou . Please check and get this resolved .

Hi @shameeksl
Just testing and it’s works fine.

Be sure that you’re in supported regions. Please visit the link below for more information :

Thanks. I was creating in an unsupported region. Now the cluster is created in us-east-1. But again there is a permission issue while creating node groups

Hi @shameeksl

For node-group issue, the team work on it. We’ll come back to you ASAP.


Hi @mmkmou , is there any update on this ?