Not able to create eks cluster using kodecloud lab account

I am trying to create eks cluster on LAB. But not able to create the same.

EKS - Elastic Kubernetes Service

If you want to create a Kubernetes cluster yourself, it can be a pretty long process. You need to launch a couple of Linux servers, then configure each one. And the configuration steps can be quite long. EKS lets you get such a cluster much faster, in mere minutes.

  • Cluster service role name = eksClusterRole
  • CloudFormation stack name = eks-cluster-stack

Followed above steps.
When i am trying to select Cluster service role name, it says no role found with name eksClusterRole

same issue please help us

Please follow this guide exactly to configure an EKS cluster:
[Playground Series] How to create an EKS cluster in KodeKloud Playground? - Playgrounds

Thanks, will try the steps suggested.