Install and Configure Web Application Failed


I have configured properly on all of the app servers and after submitting it says - ‘official’ webpage is not working on App Server 1. Please see the attached screenshot as a proof that I configured it properly.

Md. Onik Azad

@Ayman team could you please investigate the issue?

I had the same issue

@Inderpreet any suggestion or direction?

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I also got same message “‘official’ webpage is not working on App Server 1” this despite configuring apache properly on all three app servers identically.

below steps I followed.

  1. As a root user installed httpd on all three app servers
  2. systemctl start httpd
  3. systemctl enable httpd
  4. vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and changed listen port to 8080 and reloaded httpd
  5. copied demo , official to /var/www/html/
  6. Tested both demo and official on each app server
    My point is since /var/www/html/ is same partition mounted on each app servers, there is no reason for “official” to fail only on app server1.

There is obviously some bug in task verifying system, please check.

I also got the same message

@Ayman please have a look.

@Inderpreet could you kindly take a look at this task? it might be an issue on how the solution is scored on AppServer1

@Inderpreet I to have the same issue?

Hello @mmumshad/@Ayman/@Inderpreet,

Can you please check this and update.


@onik.azad @mohamedsheeraz1 @pruthvi27 @philipsmit @roopal.mishra @SSK could you guys share your KKE user names?

Name: Mohamed Sheeraz
Email id: [email protected]


@mohamedsheeraz1 marked it Pending for you.

Email id : [email protected]
Name : Pruthvi Reddy

Name: Md. Onik Azad
Email id: [email protected]

This is marked Pending for you.

hi, the same issue for me a minute ago “ecommerce website not working on app 1 and i verified it with the last task and it was working”.

@onik.azad @ikovacic Please try again now.

@Inderpreet i cant, my taks is in status failed, can check it or try it again.

What is your KKE username ?

its ikovacic, full name Ivan Kovacic