HI all , after logging to terraform I ran terraform plan , it is throwing this e . . .

Alok Kumar:
HI all , after logging to terraform I ran terraform plan , it is throwing this error? What does this means?

Deepak Kumar:
azure cli is not installed.

Alok Kumar:
it is installed

Deepak Kumar:
then its not accessible from the environment of code editor. Which code editor are you using, open the code editor terminal and try az --version again are you getting the expected output.

Alok Kumar:

Alok Kumar:

Alok Kumar:
It will throw error in providers

Alok Kumar:
as providers will be outside terraform block

Deepak Kumar:
which version of terraform have you installed ?

Alok Kumar:

Deepak Kumar:
i386 or amd64

Alok Kumar:

Deepak Kumar:
use amd64 and let me know

Alok Kumar:

Alok Kumar:
sorry it is amd64

Deepak Kumar:
then try updating it because everything seems to be fine till now.

Alok Kumar:
still getting the same error

Deepak Kumar:
have you configure the access keys for azure cli

Alok Kumar:
yes it is in my credentials module

Alok Kumar:
this issue is something related to path