Haproxy load balancer

hi @Inderpreet my task was marked failed, even though I completed it according to the question

Hi @Sam @myeek

Please share your email IDs.


Marked it Success for you, thanks for your patience.

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email is [email protected]


Hi @Inderpreet,

Install and Configure HaProxy LBR
Mar 19, 2020 4:01:43 AM
Mar 23, 2020 4:01:43 AM


@Sam marked it Success for you, it failed due to some backend issue for you.

@myeek You changed the Apache port on each host which is incorrect as per requirements mentioned in the question, you must had to configure Haproxy to connect with all apps on whatever ports there were running on. You just had to change Haproxy port to default http port which is 80.


Thanks @Inderpreet .
So just to clarify, the three appservers can serve on non-default ports like 3002, etc while the haproxy itself only needed to be configured to serve using port 80.

Yes, if 3002 is the port number used by web servers. Check the config file and haproxy should use port 80

Thanks, Sam for confirming!


Why it’s marked as failed for me , while it’s supposed to be working fine :

@osmansays Marked Success for you.

it is also marked failed for me but its working fine


My second try, still a no go! Not sure what’s wrong! I have probably the same configuration with others.

My email [email protected]

This is marked Success for you.

See the error says the port apps are using is 8086 but the port you have added in config is 8084.

@Inderpreet…How to check app servers are using which ports?

Hi Team/ @Inderpreet,

I have completed the HAProxy task but still getting the failure error for the task, please see the outcome

Please let me know what i have done wrong or what exactly is cause of the error.

Check in Apache config which port apps are using already. If it isn’t specifically asked in the question to change Apache port on apps we need to make sure not to change them.

@Inderpreet…Thanks for the reply :slightly_smiling_face:

Could you please share your haproxy conf file ? Error message indicates that incorrect ports were used for apps in Haproxy conf or ports were changed on app servers.