EKS cluster service role not found in playground

I am trying to create an EKS cluster. As per the AWS cloud playground page Link there must be a role available to create cluster.
This role isnt available. Neither I can use the AWS managed EKS role to create the cluster.

  • Cluster service role name = eksClusterRole
  • CloudFormation stack name = eks-cluster-stack

Let me know how to proceed here.

You need to create the role assignment. All the details are in this guide:
[Playground Series] How to create an EKS cluster in KodeKloud Playground? - Playgrounds - KodeKloud - DevOps Learning Community

Thanks alot for your help. It worked pretty well. I thought the role would be pre-created.

Do we have any special roles available to practice IAM related concepts? My cloud playground user has limited access to add new or modify new users.

Yes there is this IAM course on KodeKloud:
AWS - IAM - KodeKloud