(CKA) Mock Exam Series Difficulty compared to killer.sh and the Exam itself


I just wanted to question if the newly created KodeKloud (CKA) Mock Exam Series is around and/or close to the difficulty of the killer.sh exams in which you receive when you purchase the Exam, or are they potentially even closer to the actual Certification Exam?

I’m curious because currently I’m not doing the best on the (CKA) Mock Exam Series Mock Tests and found the MOCK exams in the KodeKloud coursework easier. The troubleshooting sections are tough!
Of course I will study more and practice more, but I’m just trying to get a feel for difficulty in compared to the actual sitting test.

Which are more difficult:

  • (CKA) Mock Exam Series

  • Killer.sh

  • CKA PSI Exam


Hi @jbboaz7

I can’t answer your question because I’m also studying for the CKA certification, and I’m still working only with Koudkloud, I will work in Killer.sh in the future. But have you ever chekced this post ? How to nail the Certified Kubernetes Administrator exam on the first attempt? This person says the kodkloud exmans are at the level, some other people says that the KoudKloud examns are a little bit hard in kurbernetes or the achivements posts Achievements - KodeKloud - DevOps Learning Community

In the community there is a lot of peolpe who has shared their certification experience, so check it out to get your own idea.

As far as I can tell you, I’m in your same problem, I’m still new in kubernetes [But I understand how it works ], so I’m also found the exams a little bit difficult, but I know that if everyday I work in solving this exams again and again, cheking the labs of the course and reading the K8s documentation, I will be able to do it. It takes time, is like learning a language, first is dificult to create new sentences, until your brain no longer works hard to detect patterns, and start to see the new sentences. It’s very the same here, but with your solutions.

In case you didn’t know, check this out Ultimate Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Mock Exam Series | KodeKloud

Have a nice day

Thanks for the pointers… I am currently going through the Ultimate Certified Kubernetes Administrator Mock Exam Series. The troubleshooting sections are tough. I was wondering if those particular were harder than the actual test… I guess I’m going to keep plugging away and will find out when I take the actual exam :slight_smile:

Hi @jbboaz7

I didn’t notice that you are doing the Mock Exam Series in your first post, I think i was to tired that day when I was reading your post :upside_down_face:

Some people say that the Mock Exams are harder, others are saying is the same, I’m guessing that the exam have a pool of activities, and some are selected by you in a pseudorandom way, so it deppends of that a little bit. But If you haven’t buy the exam yet, I recomend you to study to master the Mock Exam Series. In december also the exams are more cheaper, because of the black friday or cyberday. So if you are not in a hurry, keep trying with the mock exmans, as far as I can tell you, many people here said that with mastering the CKA course and the mock exams, there is like 0% chances that you will fail in getting the certification.

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