Certificate Manager in Playground - AWS

Hi, I trie to request certificate SSL in ACM or import certificate in AWS Playground

User: arn:aws:iam::058264391478:user/kk_labs_user_996160 is not authorized to perform: acm:RequestCertificate on resource: arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:058264391478:certificate/* because no identity-based policy allows the acm:RequestCertificate action

User: arn:aws:iam::058264391478:user/kk_labs_user_996160 is not authorized to perform: acm:ImportCertificate on resource: arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:058264391478:certificate/* because no identity-based policy allows the acm:ImportCertificate action

ACM is not in the list of permitted resources as described on the playground start page, so no, it’s not going to work.

Double-checking here, but I’m seeing Certificate Manager on the AWS Playground, right?

You’re right - so it is. I will ask why it is not working.

@emirsonm Please try it now