Can I create load balancer and ingress controller in EKS of AWS Cloud Playground . . .

Can I create load balancer and ingress controller in EKS of AWS Cloud Playground?

Alistair Mackay:
If you have built an EKS cluster, you should be able to install ingress-nginx from its helm chart, but I do not think the playground will permit you to create an external AWS loadblancer, therefore you must configure the ingress controller’s service as NodePort.

These instructions are for the Kubernetes playground, but should work in AWS playground on a EKS cluster you deployed

We also have instructions for deploying EKS in AWS playground
• Terraform:
• Manual via console:

I see. Thanks for your instructions. :slightly_smiling_face:

@Alistair Mackay Let me ask some more please.
• Can I create and add new custom AMI image (such as using Packer) in AWS Cloud Playground?
• Can I use AWS secret Manager in AWS Cloud Playground?

Alistair Mackay:
I see you’ve been posting these on discourse as well - you only need to use one or the other

  1. Maybe, I’m not sure.
  2. Unlikely.
    With anything, give it a try first using the most simple test you can think of. If you see a message that includes explicit deny in a service control policy then the feature isn’t enabled. I am not sure what the policy is for what is and isn’t enabled, whether it is cost (often it is), or the need to develop cleanup scripts when the environments are decommissioned at the end of the lab.

You can probably test the AMI permissions by deploying an EC2, stopping it and then attempting to create an AMI from the stopped instance.

Got it. Thank you.