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Biggest reward of this role is to be given the opportunity to coach these next gen technical leaders. They took on the challenge, and pass these certifications withim 3 weeks and surpass their senior mentors with near pefrect score.
Our k8s talent pool is growing exponentially, my advice: take Mumshad Mannambeth k8s courses
Ravi Panchal HariKrishna Vemula Eugene Swee Tuck Kin Soon Ron Xing Hua (邢华) Tan Chong Yong Benedict Loh Suman Vanan
My CKAD/CKA study partners Ravi Panchal HariKrishna Vemula , I am glad that we aced it together.
We @Pivotal Software, Inc. are committed to build the highest concentration of Kubernetes certified professionals to assist our customers' cloud native journey.
Jeremy Phuah we are all benefiting from your field enablement plan.
Mumshad Mannambeth - we attribute our success to your excellent trainings, thank you 🙏
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course – you decide when you start and when you finish.
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
This is an online self-paced video based training that you can access anytime, anywhere at your own comfort.
Most of our courses have an associated Slack Channel that you can get access to for support. That’s where our instructors and other students hang out.
A monthly subscription works just like your TV or Netflix. Once you enroll, you pay for each month to access all courses and labs on our platform for that month. Your membership will renew automatically every month. When you are done with your studies you may cancel the subscription under your “Accounts” page to stop billing. When you cancel your membership you will continue to get access to our platform until the end of your billing cycle.
With a yearly subscription, you make a payment of 12 months at once to gain access to all of our current and future courses and labs for an entire year from the date of purchase. This way you also get it at a discounted price which is almost half of the monthly price you would pay if you chose a monthly subscription. Your membership will renew automatically every year. When you cancel your yearly subscription, you still get access to the platform and all contents for the remainder of the year in your billing cycle. At the end of the billing cycle, you won’t be charged for the next year and your access will be removed.
You can cancel your membership anytime. Once cancelled you will continue to have access to KodeKloud until the end of your subscription period after which your subscription will end and will not renew. For example, if you purchased a monthly subscription on the 5th of May, and cancelled your subscription on the 10th of May, you will continue to have access until the end of your subscription period, the 5th of June. After which your subscription will end and you will not be charged for renewal. Note that cancelling a membership does not automatically initiate a refund. To request a refund you must write to us at Once a refund is initiated, access to the platform will end immediately.