Wrong link in lab for flannel and weave installation


In the course " Learn-By-Doing Kubernetes Network Policies" the link that forwards to weave is broken. You might want to fix it.
I think the lesson is “Flannel vs Weave”

I used the one from the k8s docs: weave/site/kubernetes/kube-addon.md at master · weaveworks/weave · GitHub


Yup it’s an issue since weave in its original form is a dead project. I will raise a ticket.

There is an independent fork of the weave project here which if you are needing to install weave, should work the same way.

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The best link is actually here; the project has been forked as “reweave” and is getting regular updates; it also supports arm64, which it didn’t used to do.

Since the link you pointed out is from the now defunct company, I’ll make sure that’s in the tracking system so it can be fixed.

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