Worst part is cant decide when to use -- and when not. (k create namespace . . .

Worst part is cant decide when to use – and when not. (k create namespace test) works fine, it should be but k create --namespace=test Any one can please explain

Rob Thorne:
No, you got it right the first time. k create has sub-commands, and k create namespace is one of the sub-commands.

Alistair Mackay:
Commands and subcommands are just words. Arguments (switches) have dashes.
When creating a namespace namespace is the subcommand of create - i.e. what are we creating?
Command: create
Subcommand namespace

When listing pods, then namespace is an argument
Command: get
Subcommand pods
Argument: --namespace - which namespace do we want to “get” “pods” for?

and difference between single and double dash

Ron Chmara:
A very-popular-but-not-universal convention is that short versions of arguments have one dash, longer versions have two.

They are often the same case, and same letter, but not always.
-n is --namespace
-h is --help
-A is--all-namespaces (upper and lower case)
-l is --selector (different letter)

Things that are typed very frequently tend to have single dash+letter shortcuts.

Combining methods, on a system <https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubectl/cheatsheet/|with autocomplete>, and using the kubectl short names, and the k alias, this"

k get po,svc,pvc -n kube-s&lt;tab&gt; -o wide

is the same as typing out:

kubectl get pods,services,persistentvolumeclaims --namespace=kube-system --output wide

Many less characters to type in the first one, after all the shortcuts are memorized, and using <tab> to finish typing becomes second nature.