I am on the Kubernetes for Begginers course and when trying to make the deployment of the microservices, the worker-app-pod is not being able to run. First i had to add the Postgres_Host_Auth_Method env to postgres pod, but even then, the worker pod is left as ContainerCreating and then to ImagePullBackOff
Hello @pablol,
Please follow these full steps to know what you have missed and try again :
Note: We will create deployments again so please before following the steps, Runkubectl delete deployment --allto delete old deployments and avoid any conflicts.
Run git clone https://github.com/mmumshad/example-voting-app-kubernetes-v2.git
Run cd example-voting-app-kubernetes-v2/
Run vim postgres-deployment.yml and modify it’s content as below then save and exit.
Run kubectl create -f . if you create deployments for the first time, if you created the same deployments before Run kubectl apply -f . .
Run kubectl get service to get the exposed ports.
For example if the output of the command as above you can accces the voting app by hitting One_of_the_worker_nodes_IP:32733 on your browser and the same for the resulting app >> One_of_the_worker_nodes_IP:30013.