With the new service account method I'm a little confused, where does the name o . . .

Patrick Putman:
With the new service account method I’m a little confused, where does the name of the service account I’m referencing here come from? do you create the service account with kubectl create token command? When I do it, I don’t get a name to add to the configuration here

Alistair Mackay:
When you associate a service account with a pod with serviceAccountName , those attributes are implicitly added. The protected volume contains the bearer token for api access that is renewed approximately hourly automatically

Alistair Mackay:
If you didn’t specify an explicit account, then these are for the default SA.

Patrick Putman:
so all you have to do, is create a service account, and associate it with the pod, and it will automatically create the token and mount it like above?

Patrick Putman:
I created a deployment with a service account, but the volume for it isn’t there

Alistair Mackay:
See this thread where I describe how service accounts work in 1 24 +


Patrick Putman:

Patrick Putman:
so that made perfect sense, I get it, this is just automatically created, and I can see the projected volume for the secrets when I create a pod with a service account, so thank you.