With the current-context set to `research`, we are trying to access the cluster. . . .

Anushka hasini:
With the current-context set to research, we are trying to access the cluster. However something seems to be wrong. Identify and fix the issue.
Try running the kubectl get pods command and look for the error. All users certificates are stored at /etc/kubernetes/pki/users

Alistair Mackay:
The task indicates there is something wrong with the content of the config file.
Look at the certificate paths for dev-user in the config
Compare with what you find in /etc/kubernetes/pki/users
Make sure paths in config file point to the correct files.

Alistair Mackay:
Before making the custom file the default, you must use --kubeconfig=/root/my-custom-config on kubectl commands (or whatever the path to that file is) for it to read that file.

Anushka hasini:
kubectl config --kube-config=/root/my-custom-config use-context —> is this correct command to make custom config to default. Incase, if it is wrong, tell me the right command to execute

Alistair Mackay:
That will make kubeconfig use the file at the given path.

Where the question says mke my-custom-config become the default that means do this

cp /root/my-custom-config /root/.kube/config

Anushka hasini:
Ok thanks

Hi @Anushka hasini fyr: https://github.com/kodekloudhub/certified-kubernetes-administrator-course/blob/master/docs/07-Security/14-Practice-Test-KubeConfig.md

Anushka hasini:
Thank you so much. It really help a lot