Why systemctl is failing to run ? although commands like systemctl get-default w . . .

Akash Agarwal:
why systemctl is failing to run ? although commands like systemctl get-default works ?

Container 's base image is ubuntu and is running is privileged mode

Rob Thorne:
If I understand you correctly, you’re running the Ubuntu image, but not an Ubuntu virtual. So you have Ubuntu’s binaries available to you, but many of the processes that run in an Ubuntu OS are not running, including, as your error message indicates, systemd.

Alistair Mackay:
Inside containers, systemd is not the init system as it tells you, which means it does not manage services. PID 1 is normally the application you’re running inside the container.

Normally there are not services running in the container. Your containerized application is the only “service”, by which it is running as a foreground process that never exits.