hello Team ,
In Play ground, i am trying to create a Lambda function and you are blocking me to update IAM role or create lambda with desired minimum set of permissions also.
I have tried the same from CLI, even failing there . How can i test if i wanted to run a Lambda function ?
Sorry but these are too much of restrictions - i feel.
I’ve tried this myself and agree it is difficult to figure out what is actually permitted. One thing to try, since you’re a Pro customer, is to look at the AWS Lambda course and see if you can find something in the course that you cannot do in the playground. In the meantime, I will ask one of our engineers about this as well.
HI Rob ,
thanks for the response.
I am just trying to use a function to encrypt log groups in the account. that a simple function. very generic one - not i any of lab i am trying this out of interest.
Also - Help me understand why cant we delete Log groups ? created for testing in Play grounds
I’ve been put in touch with our playgrounds expert; I’ll ask him.