Why add apiGroups

hi every one, please, could you remind me why I have to add the [apiGroups:apps] into this [Role]?
Thank you very much!

Hello @raul.souza,
The apigroup of the deployment is apps.

Hi @raul.souza,

You need to add API group for resources who are not on core Group. For example, in your case pods are on core group, no need to give the name, but deployments are on apps group we need to specific it.

Check the following links :



Hi @mmkmou ,

Thank you very much for this precise answer! Appreciate a lot! This make thing much more clear now! :partying_face:

B I G thanks!


PS. Forgive me the delay to reply!

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Thanks @Ayman, however the question was more in the way @mmkmou answered bellow!

Thank you anyways! :+1: