Whiteboard did not switch to notepad during the exam

whiteboard did not switch to notepad during the exam. was I doing something wrong?
Also, from MAC I did not see search option to jump between the topic using ctrl+f or commad+5. Unless I did not have eyes peeled on the right section of the page.
Anyone had similar experience during the exam and any suggestion for next attempt.

Before you do the next attempt, you should definitely take advantage of the killer.sh simulator, so you can try out the various parts of the UI in a similar environment. If it works in the simulator, it should work the same as during the exam. Since you get 36 hours per simulator session, you have plenty of time to practice things like searching Firefox, changing contexts, doing copy/pasted, and so on.

Great idea . thanks for your suggestion. I should have posted this before the first exam too :slight_smile: