While i'm wirting the github action to run the Run the kubectl command i'm geeting below error "The connection to the server was refused - did you specify the right host or port?"

action i have written :

  • name: Run the kubectl command
    run: kubectl version --output=yaml

above will be run on “ubuntu-latest” runner


Are you doing the lab, or are you trying to install ArgoCD locally, and do it that way?

yes. i’m doing lab session on githun action.

A link to the lab would be very useful here.

here is the lab link


Navigate to your GitHub account and use github-actions-solar-system repository within feature/workflow branch

Explore and modify the workflow file named solar-system.yml

Do the following:

  1. Append a new job with id as dev-deploy
    a. This job should execute on this operating system - ubuntu-latest
    b. This job should run after docker job.
    c. The job should be associated with the development environment
    d. Add the following steps,
  • Step 1 - use an action to checkout the repository
  • Step 2 - use an azure/setup-kubectl action to Install Kubectl with the below config
    version: ‘v1.26.0’
  • Step 3 - use an azure/k8s-set-context action to set kube context using below config
    method: kubeconfig
    kubeconfig: use KUBECONFIG secret added in the development environment
  • Step 4 - add a step run the below kubectl command to verify Step 2 and 3
    cmd: kubectl version --short -o yaml
  1. Commit the changes and checkout the workflow execution

That explains a good deal. THIS IS NOT ARGOCD!! I’ll change the title, deal with this later.

OK, the problem here – and I’m not sure why this is – but the kubeconfig file supplied in the lab won’t work in the github actions environment, since it assumes that there is an apiserver at Which there won’t be. Not sure why the lab does this, since that can’t work. For the lab to work, you need to

  1. Create a K8s cluster that is available to the github actions runner, say, via AWS or Azure, and get a kubeconfig file that points to it.
  2. Use that instead for the lab.

The only thing I can think of is that they designed the lab to do a test of kubectl that might return a zero exit code, i.e., kubectl version --short, even when the cluster is not accessible. As it would not be with the supplied kubeconfig file.