Which flag need to use now instead of --record?

Hi everyone

In the CKA mock exam 2, lab 5 Sign In | KodeKloud The solution says that is needed to use the --record flag in k set image. But when you run it kubernetes says that --record is deprecated, but the operation is successful. So what is the new approch to make the record now ?


It’s still to use the --record flag. Yes, it’s been deprecated for years. But there’s still a need for it, and there isn’t a good substitute that’s been added to the API. So --record away.

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Hi @rob_kodekloud

Thanks for the answer. If you know: Please can you tell me why is still need it ? and also: What are the new substitutes ? First time I see a deprecated flag that is still need it, and maybe without new implementation for satisfy the requirements.

There’s k annotate, which overlaps with what the --record flag does. I suppose that if you use an imperative command – never a best practice in production, I grant – that it’s handy to indicate what you’re doing.