Which CentOS version VDI image need to download

I am new to DevOps Learning path.

As part of Lab setup, I am seeing latest CentOS 9 from VirtualBox images from OSboxes.org. (In Lab, version 7 was used)

Shall I download it? and there are two options 1) workstation and 2)server

Please suggest version and flavor.

Thank you,

Hi @vamsikrishna.kotha

Version - it shouldn’t matter too much. All the same things that are in the labs will be there, but newer versions. There may be a few minor differences in settings for some tools.

Flavor: If these are pre-installed images (haven’t run one myself), the workstation version will start up with a GUI desktop. VirtualBox extensions will need to be installed for mouse, clipboard etc to work smoothly. Server version should boot to a terminal, like the labs do. If you want to practice lab type stuff, go for server.

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Thank you Alistair for clarification.