What is wront ? why it is failing?

Prabhakaran Venkatesan:
what is wront ? why it is failing?

Juan José Ramos:
metadata.name should be throw-dice-job, not throw-dice-pod

Prabhakaran Venkatesan:
i think it is not issue until the job is created and running correctly

Juan José Ramos:
Don’t know how kodekloud works under the hood, but my guess is that it looks for a job named throw-dice-job and then executes the other asserts.

Juan José Ramos:
So, unless you set the name given to you, the rest of the checks will probably fail as well.

Prabhakaran Venkatesan:
ok my blunder

Prabhakaran Venkatesan:
got it Thank you :slightly_smiling_face: