What is the difference between pod eviction vs pod completion vs pod termination . . .

what is the difference between pod eviction vs pod completion vs pod termination? What are the possible scenarios of a pod gets evicted?

Trung Tran:
Hello @Chandu
Eviction and termination are the same: “Eviction is the process of terminating one or more Pods on Nodes.”
The real world scenario of pod eviction is when we performing cluster upgrade (ex: kubeadm v 1.x -> v 1.y), before upgrade we need to drain the node (master or worker), this action will mark the node unschedule-able and evic all pod (terminate on this node and kube-scheduler will place these pods on other ready nodes). By that way the application (pods) will be up & run during the cluster upgrade.
This is part of the CKA so you will see it soon!

Thank you :pray:

Hi @Chandu pod completion status scenario here: