What is the difference between kubectl run and create command? Why won't this co . . .

Aanavi Gupta:
What is the difference between kubectl run and create command? Why won’t this command work:
kubectl create pod ngnix --image=nginx

Aanavi Gupta:
This gave me a invalid image flag error. Task was to create a new pod.

Nitish Patni:
For pod u cannot use create , for pod u need to use run only.

pod is independent identity and can be launched seperately unlike deployment , replicaset etc

deployment will create replicas and pods same goes for replicaset which next create pods

Pods is the last in the hirearchy.


hence for pods kubectl run is used and for others kubectl create because we have to follow the end to end hirarchey

Aanavi Gupta:
Oh okay, thank you for this, I understood now.