Volume plugins should not write data to the /var/lib/docker/ directory, including /var/lib/docker/volumes. The /var/lib/docker/ directory is reserved for Docker


I do not understand this:

Volume plugins should not write data to the /var/lib/docker/ directory, including /var/lib/docker/volumes . The /var/lib/docker/ directory is reserved for Docker.

I thought that data were persisted, in the event of a volume binding, precisely in this directory, in

Hi @stephane.hordoir,

This note is for Volume plugins, not for docker’s default volume driver (local). The default storage is on /var/lib/docker/volumes but if you install plugin like hectorqin/local-mapping, vieux/sshfs or trajano/nfs-volume-plugin, he will mount respectively from another directory, a remote ssh folder and from a NFS disk.

To resume, if you create a volume like following:

docker volume create test-vol 

you’ll see the folder on /var/lib/docker/volumes/test-vol but if you create a volume using a driver plugin like following

docker volume create -d hectorqin/local-mapping -o mountpoint=/volume-folder local-volume

the folder will be on //volume-folder


Hi @mmkmou,

Thanks for your answer, very clear

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