hi i am using mac m1, and i am trying to start an centos7,
getting a crush while starting it,
and it changes to “aborted”
have anyone got issue with that?
hi i am using mac m1, and i am trying to start an centos7,
getting a crush while starting it,
and it changes to “aborted”
have anyone got issue with that?
VirtualBox does not work on Mac M chips. You need to look into VMware Fusion or UTM. If you were wanting to run Ubuntu then there is also multipass.
too bad the course not updated for mac m1
and it recmomend VirtualBox for mac,
When that course was created, there were only Intel Macs, and VirtualBox worked on them (and still does).
When the dust settles on the Broadcom acquisition of VMware, we will add some github pages for Fusion configuration of CentOS on Apple Silicon.