Update ACR image in azure to latest from dockerhub

I have to write bash script which :

  1. connect azure pipeline to azure portal through managed identity.
  2. get the image tag form ACR whcih I have to update.
  3. check for the latest image availability on dockerhub, if latest image is available then change the current tag to latest.
    how can i do this thing in single script.

Which part are you stuck on?

I need full script for the same. I tried many scripts but didnt go through this.if possible please help me

So first login to Azure with AZ CLI. Then pull the image and get the hash of the docker image:

docker inspect --format='{{.RepoDigests}}' nginx

Pull the other image and get the hash for that.
Compare if different, update the tag and push.


Define the image name including repository and tag


Log in to Azure using the Azure CLI (if not logged in already)

az login

Get the tag of the repository from the ACR image

TAG=$(az acr repository show-tags --name $ACR_NAME --repository $IMAGE_NAME --output tsv --query ‘[0]’)

Output the retrieved tag

echo “Tag of $IMAGE_NAME in $ACR_NAME: $TAG”

Trivy image name


Fetch tags from Docker Hub API

tags=$(curl -s “https://registry.hub.docker.com/v2/repositories/${image_name}/tags/” | jq -r ‘.results[].name’)

Extract latest tag

latest_tag=$(echo “$tags” | grep -v -E ‘alpha|beta’ | head -n 1)

Extract latest -1 tag

latest_minus_one_tag=$(echo “$tags” | grep -v -E ‘alpha|beta’ | head -n 2 | tail -n 1)

Output the results

echo “Latest tag of $image_name: $latest_tag”
echo “Latest -1 tag of $image_name: $latest_minus_one_tag”
In this i am not able to get the digest of the tag and comapre it.

Post scripts in:

Code Blocks

I didn’t see a question in your post.

Thanks for your reply ,now I am getting the output as per my requirements.