Unable to start apache tomcat in the one of the exercises

as per the screen shot attached.
i can’t seem to run the command to start the apache-tomcat as instructed.
Also noticed in extracted apache-tomcat-8 directory, there is no “bin” folder, were i believe start.sh file should reside.
Could someone look at the screen shot and tell me were am going wrong please.


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I think you downloaded the wrong version (deployer), I did too and I realized it when I couldn’t find bin directory. I had a lot of troubles downloading the right version but: sudo curl -OL https://downloads.apache.org/tomcat/tomcat-8/v8.5.76/bin/apache-tomcat-8.5.76.tar.gz worked for me.
pd: I realized because I noticed if you use the hint you get like a HTML file (I think it is a problem from apache, but not sure)

thanks buddy.
will try again.

Please my start.sh is not working. Please how do I go about making this work. I am getting “command not found”

For me this link worked: