hello All, i am new on kodekloud and trying to access the course.I am unable to access the course on chrome and unable to run the lab or videos on chrome. can anybody please help me with the issue please.
It seems like an issue with your ISP. Can you please try with the VPN?
i tried on my tablet its working fine there. Its my system where it is not working.
It’s happening for the labs also? Can you please recheck?
yes it is happening for the lab as well.
Can you please shoot a feedback video from the Feedback widget tool? and share the browser console logs.
Is it happening when accessing from other browsers also?
Well on chrome I am not even getting an option to record the feedback. Where as I tried to acess from firefox it did work there. both video as well lab
Okay, then please check if it’s interrupted by any extensions.
Alright, that’s great
Thank you for your help