Unable to run basic commans on labs

When running basic commands like - k run test --image=nginx resulting in Error: ImagePullBackOff Which should work fine.

This issue is within your CKAD Labs

We are having general problems pulling images from DockerHub right now. The fix is not trivial; I don’t have an estimate when this lab will be working again.

What’s the status of this? It is a blocker for me, especially because I just have one month of access to your labs, and on the first day this issue popped up.

Good news then: the Kubernetes labs have been fixed in the last six hours or so. Most of the Docker labs have been fixed as well. I don’t think that the KK Eng labs have been fixed yet, but are likely to be fixed over the next few hours.

@rob_kodekloud Thanks for the response. However, I’m not able to see anything once I go to the CKAD labs module page.(ref URL is in the screen shot)

That is correct for that page. Try a different page. The labs are up; try a lab page.

That’s great, how do I reach labs? is there an alternate route for the same?

Read our lab access guide; that should help.

I think the doc you shared is for Udemy users, but I bought the ultimate-certified-kubernetes-application-developer-ckad-mock-exam-series course directly from KodeKloud. If you can directly share the link to the labs for the above course, it would be helpful.

You can then use the search function on the Courses page to get to that lab.